
A process entity is a standard set of actions or operations that moves the organization towards achieving a business objective.

When creating, searching for, or editing a process, enter or update information in the following sections:

  • Summary. The fundamental information about the process.

  • Compliance. The information about compliance requirements and if they are met.


In the Summary section, enter the fundamental information about the process.

Figure A-14. Process Summary section

Table A-14. Process Summary fields

Field (*Required)


Process No.

Read-only. A unique numeric identifier of the process.


Read-only. The status of the process.

  • New - The process is being defined but has not been submitted.

  • Active - The process is active and currently being managed by its owner.

  • Change Pending - The process is being modified.

  • Cancelled - The process has been cancelled and its information is no longer valid.

*Process Name

A distinct and unambiguous name for the process that corresponds to standard industry usage.


Information that describes the need and function of the process.

Parent Process

The Process Name of the process of which this process, hierarchically, is a child.

*Process Type

A definition of where the process is completed. Each process must be associated with a process type on creation.

  • Direct - A process completed explicitly by the organization.

  • Indirect - A process completed by a client or third party.


The full name of the person in the organization responsible for ensuring that this process is carried out. The owner is allowed to edit information about this process.

Created By

Read-only. The full name of the user who created the process entity.

Created On

Read-only. The date on which the process entity was created.


In the Compliance section, enter information about compliance requirements and if they are met.

Figure A-15. Process Compliance section

Table A-15. Process Compliance fields



Compliance Requirements

Zero, one, or more compliance requirements for the process.

  • SOX - Sarbanes-Oxley Act. United States regulations for corporate financial accounting.

  • FERC - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. United States regulations for energy transmission.

  • NERC - North American Electric Reliability Corporation. North American regulations for energy transmission.

  • CPCU - Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter. Professional designation in the insurance industry.

  • CAISO - California Independent System Operator. Regulations for California's power grid.

  • HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Regulations for privacy of personal information.

  • PCI - Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. Standards for the payment card industry.


Indicates if the process conforms with the selected Compliance Requirements.