Transformation proposal

A transformation proposal entity is a consolidation of information used to make a decision about a proposed project. Transformation proposals may be imported as proposals into PPM for additional analysis.

When creating, searching for, or editing a transformation proposal, enter or update information in the following sections:

  • . The fundamental information about the transformation proposal.

  • Proposal Details. The information about the basic effort implication for the transformation proposal.

  • Business Case Details. The information used to understand the transformation proposal and its expectations.

  • Value & Risk Assessment. The information about the initial evaluation of risks and rewards.


In the Summary section, enter the fundamental information about the transformation proposal.

Figure A-19. Transformation proposal Summary section

Table A-19. Transformation proposal Summary fields

Field (*Required)



Read-only. The description assigned to the transformation proposal when the transformation proposal is created.

Proposal No.

Read-only. A unique numeric identifier of the transformation proposal.


Read-only. The status of the transformation proposal.

  • New - The transformation proposal is being defined but has not been submitted.

  • In Review - The transformation proposal is currently under review.

  • Approved - The transformation proposal has been approved for execution.

  • Rejected - The transformation proposal has been rejected.

  • Cancelled - The transformation proposal entity has been cancelled and its information is no longer valid.

*Proposal Name

A name given to the transformation proposal that distinguishes it from other transformation proposals. Although the name is not validated for uniqueness during initial creation, it must be unique in order to transition the transformation proposal from In Review to Active status.


The full name of the user who is proposing the transformation proposal. The owner is allowed to edit information about this transformation proposal.


Information that describes the business value and applications affected by the transformation proposal.

Proposal Dependencies

Existing transformation proposals that must be completed successfully before this transformation proposal can be executed.

Created By

Read-only. The full name of the user who created the transformation proposal entity.

Created On

Read-only. The date on which the transformation proposal entity was created.

Proposal Details

In the Proposal Details section, enter information about the basic effort implication for the transformation proposal.

Figure A-20. Transformation proposal Proposal Details section

Table A-20. Transformation proposal Proposal Details fields



Project Class

The fundamental type of the project, used to determine business rules or policies that help manage the project.

  • Innovation

  • Growth

  • Efficiency

  • Core (Keep the Lights On)

Asset Class

The type of asset that is affected by the transformation proposal.

  • Infrastructure - Investments that provide a shared and standardized base of capability for the enterprise.

  • Informational - Systems that provide information for managing an organization.

  • Transactional - Transformation proposals that process and automate the basic transactions of an organization.

Business Objective

The result that the enterprise intends to achieve by completing the transformation proposal.

Executive Sponsor

The full name of the executive sponsor of the transformation proposal.

IT Sponsor

The full name of the IT leader of the group that is responsible for executing the transformation proposal.

Expected Start Period

The month and year in which the project is expected to start.

Expected Finish Period

The month and year in which the project is expected to finish.

Associated Applications

The applications impacted by the transformation proposal.

Vendors Involved

The vendors of the associated applications who may be involved with the transformation proposal.

Business Case Details

In the Business Case Details section, enter information used to understand the transformation proposal and its expectations.

Authorized users can access and edit a transformation proposal's financial summary by clicking the link in the Financial Summary field. For additional information about the financial summary, see the description of the Financial Summary field in Table A-21. Transformation proposal Business Case Details fields.

Figure A-21. Transformation proposal Business Case Details section

Table A-21. Transformation proposal Business Case Details fields



Business Case Doc

An attachment that explains the business case of the transformation proposal.

Requirements Doc

An attachment that explains the requirements of the transformation proposal.

Budget Manager

The full name of the person who is authorized to record the forecasted and actual costs for the application.

Benefits Manager

The full name of the person who is authorized to record the financial benefits of the application.

Financial Summary

A link to the financial summary of the transformation proposal. The financial summary captures monthly forecast and actual costs and benefits.

This link is available only to the owner of the transformation proposal and to users designated as the transformation proposal's Budget Manager or Benefits Manager.

Only application entities and transformation proposals have financial summaries. Each application entity and transformation proposal has its own financial summary.

For more information about financial summaries, see the   Financial Management User Guide.

Nominal Return

The difference between total planned benefits (revenue) and total planned costs.

Nominal Return = Total Planned Benefits – Total Planned Costs

Value & Risk Assessment

In the Value & Risk Assessment section, enter information about the initial evaluation of risks and rewards.

Figure A-22. Transformation proposal Value & Risk Assessment section

In the Description column of Table A-22. Transformation proposal Value & Risk Assessment fields, the numbers in parentheses are the values that are assigned to the list items when they are selected.

Table A-22. Transformation proposal Value & Risk Assessment fields



Internal Rate of Return

The profitability of the transformation proposal.

  • Zero or less (0)

  • 1 - 5.99% (10)

  • 6 - 9.99% (20)

  • 10 - 14.99% (30)

  • 15% and above (40)

Strategic Match

How the transformation proposal affects the business objectives.

  • No impacted business goals. (0)

  • No impacted goal. Increases operational efficiency. (5)

  • No direct impact of goal, but prerequisite. (10)

  • Direct impact on a portion of a goal. (15)

  • Direct achievement of a goal. (20)

  • Direct achievement of multiple goals. (25)

Competitive Advantage

The impact the transformation proposal has on competitive positioning.

  • No client or market impact. (0)

  • Improves operating efficiencies that affect competitive position. (5)

  • Improves operating efficiencies in strategic area. (10)

  • Provides some degree of outside access. (15)

  • Provides moderate degree of outside access. (20)

  • Provides high level of outside access. (25)

Competitive Response

The urgency of the transformation proposal relative to competitive positioning.

  • Can be postponed for 12 months with no effect to competitive positioning. (0)

  • Can be postponed for 12 months with minimal effect to competitive positioning. (2)

  • Can be postponed for 12 months with significant effect to competitive positioning. (4)

  • Postponement can result in loss of competitive positioning. (6)

  • Postponement can result in complete loss of competitive positioning. (10)


The expected increase or decrease of productivity when the transformation proposal is completed.

  • Decreased productivity (0)

  • Less than 10% increase (2)

  • 11 - 30% increase (4)

  • 30 - 50% increase (6)

  • 51% or more increase (10)

Value Rating

Read-only. The qualitative measure of the business value of the transformation proposal.

By default, the value rating is the sum of non-empty individual ratings listed above the Value Rating field. The formula for value rating may be customized.

Value Rating = Internal Rate of Return + Strategic Match + Competitive Advantage + Competitive Response + Productivity

Organization Risk

The liability of the transformation proposal based on its impact to the organization.

  • No risk (0)

  • Low risk (1)

  • Medium low risk (2)

  • Medium risk (3)

  • High risk (4)

  • Extreme risk (5)

Technical Risk

The liability of the transformation proposal based on the technology it utilizes and the skills required to use the technology.

  • No uncertainty (0)

  • Very low uncertainty (3)

  • Low uncertainty (6)

  • Medium uncertainty (9)

  • High uncertainty (12)

  • Unknown (15)

Architecture Risk

The liability of the transformation proposal in regards to the architecture defined by the organization.

  • Utilizes standard architecture (0)

  • Minor change to standard architecture (2)

  • Medium change to standard architecture (4)

  • Major change to standard architecture (6)

  • No leverage of standard architecture (10)

Definition Risk

How well the requirements are defined for the transformation proposal.

  • Requirements are firm. No changes. (0)

  • Requirements are moderately firm. Low probability of changes. (2)

  • Requirements are moderately firm. Medium probability of changes. (4)

  • Requirements are moderately firm. High probability of changes. (6)

  • Requirements are not firm (8)

Infrastructure Risk

The liability of the transformation proposal in regards to the infrastructure of the organization.

  • Uses existing systems and services (0)

  • Small changes to existing infrastructure (1)

  • Small changes and additions are expected (2)

  • Moderate changes are expected (3)

  • Moderate changes to multiple systems are expected (4)

  • Substantial change to infrastructure are expected (5)

Risk Rating

Read-only. The qualitative measure of the risk of the transformation proposal to successfully complete. The risk rating is calculated from values defined in the Risk Rating Section of the Rating section.

By default, the risk rating is the sum of non-empty individual ratings for all risks in the Value & Risk Assessment section. The formula for risk rating may be customized.

Risk Rating = Organization Risk + Technical Risk + Architecture Risk + Definition Risk + Infrastructure Risk

Score Adjustment

Adjustment (positive or negative) made to the total score.

Total Score

Read-only. The difference between the Value Rating and Risk Rating with the Score Adjustment applied.

Total Score = Value Rating – Risk Rating + Score Adjustment