Specifying Portlet Field Colors

Occasionally, you may want to display portlet fields (having identical field labels) with the same color, regardless of the portlet in which they appear. For example, you may always want the colors red, amber, and green used for all portlet fields labeled High, Medium, and Low.

It is possible to specify a color in each and every portlet definition where the desired field is used; however, functionality exists that allows you to control colors for portlet fields on an instance-wide basis.

To specify global color usage for individual field labels:

  1. Copy the <PPM_Home>/server/<PPM_Server_Name>/deploy/
    file to a "working" location,


    <PPM_Home> represents the path where your PPM instance was installed. For example: xyzserver/E$/PPMServer.
    <PPM_Server_Name> represents the name assigned to your PPM Server during installation. For example: xyzProduction. (This corresponds to the KINTANA_SERVER_NAME server.conf parameter value and does not necessarily reflect the host name of the server.)

    Remember that you should have a backup copy of this file stored in a safe location.

  2. Edit the temporary version of the CSS file as desired.

    1. Identify the field labels you want to control and decide upon the color to use for each.

      An existing portlet may be similar to the following:

      For example, you may want to use the following colors for these field labels whenever they are used in any of your PPM portlets.

      • Red (#FF0000) for Unmet Demand

      • Amber (#FFA500) for Assigned Demand: Softbooked

      • Green (#008000) for Assigned Demand: Committed

    2. Add the new color specification and label information as follows, making sure that you match the capitalization, spelling, and punctuation that appears in the legend of the portlet.

      color: '#008000' label: 'Assigned Demand: Committed';
      color: '#FFA500' label: 'Assigned Demand: Softbooked';
      color: '#FF0000' label: 'Unmet Demand';

    Caution: If the number of color entries in the ColorPalette.css file exceeds 1000, you must expand the size of the cache for this file.

    Increase the value of the COLOR_CACHE_SIZE parameter in the server.conf file to accommodate the revised number of entries in the ColorPalette.css file. We recommend that you exceed the actual number of entries to allow for future use (growth) of the ColorPalette.cssfile.

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Copy the updated ColorPalette.css file to its original location of the PPM Server, overwriting the existing file.

    You should also place a copy of this updated file in a safe location where it does not overwrite the original (or any previously updated) file.

  5. Reload the updated file by pointing your browser to the following URL:



    <host> the host name or IP address of your PPM instance
    <port> the port number from which your PPM instance is accessed

    A confirmation message is displayed.

  6. (Optional, although highly recommended) Verify the changes by logging onto PPM and viewing the PPM Dashboard page(s) you intended to affect.

    The resulting portlet would be similar to the following: