Where to Find the Files

To customize the standard interface, you need to edit the cascading style sheet and image files stored in various directories on the PPM Server.

Based on the areas identified in Figure 1-1. PPM banner and menu areas through Figure 1-3. Non-Dashboard area, the customizable files are generally found in the following locations.

Note that the following placeholder may have been used to describe portions of the paths for files described in this section.

<PPM_Home> represents the path where your PPM instance was installed. For example: xyzserver/E$/PPMServer.
<PPM_Server_Name> represents the name assigned to your PPM Server during installation. For example: xyzProduction. (This corresponds to the KINTANA_SERVER_NAME server.conf parameter value and does not necessarily reflect the host name of the server.)
  • Image files (in English)

    • <PPM_Home>/pdf/images/
    • <PPM_Home>/server/<PPM_Server_Name>/deploy/itg.war/html/
    • <PPM_Home>/server/<PPM_Server_Name>/deploy/itg.war/images/common/
    • <PPM_Home>/server/<PPM_Server_Name>/deploy/itg.war/images/pm/
    • <PPM_Home>/server/<PPM_Server_Name>/deploy/itg.war/web/knta/global/images/
    • <PPM_Home>/server/<PPM_Server_Name>/deploy/itg.war/web/knta/global/images/en/
    • <PPM_Home>/server/<PPM_Server_Name>/deploy/itg.war/web/new/img/
    • Plus, in the dashboard.war directory:

    • static/arch/images/
  • CSS files

    • <PPM_Home>/pdf/
    • <PPM_Home>/server/<PPM_Server_Name>/deploy/itg.war/css/common/
    • <PPM_Home>/server/<PPM_Server_Name>/deploy/itg.war/css/pm/
    • <PPM_Home>/server/<PPM_Server_Name>/deploy/itg.war/htmlTemplates/
    • <PPM_Home>/server/<PPM_Server_Name>/deploy/itg.war/web/knta/global/css/
    • <PPM_Home>/server/<PPM_Server_Name>/deploy/itg.war/web/knta/rpt/css/
    • <PPM_Home>/server/<PPM_Server_Name>/deploy/itg.war/web/new/css/
    • Plus, in the dashboard.war directory:

    • static/arch/css/