Creating Environments

To define a new environment:

  1. From the Workbench shortcut bar, select Environments > Environments.

    The Environments Workbench opens.

  2. Open an environment.

    The Environment window opens to the Host tab. The Host tab has the following three sections:

    • Server

    • Client

    • Database

  3. Complete the fields in the Server section as specified in the following table.

    Field Name



    The DNS name or IP address of the computer.

    Note: If you select SSH, SSH2 (Legacy), or SSH2 in the Connection Protocol field, you can specify a port number other than the default port number of 22.

    To do so, specify the Name field value in either of the following format:

    • <hostname>:<port_number>

    • <IP_address>:<port_number>

    Do not contain colons in the <hostname>, otherwise PPM Center cannot recognize the port number you specified.

    If you use IPv6 address, use the following format:



    A list of supported server/client operating systems. Set to the operating system for the computer defined in the Name field.


    The username that Deployment Management uses to log on to the server/client to transfer files or execute commands. If that user account was generated on the local machine, this is most likely "Micro Focus PPM."


    The password for the given username. The password is hidden. You can change it by clicking the button to the right of the field.

    NT Domain

    The domain name to use if this is a Windows Server.

    Base Path

    The path for applications on this computer. In many instances, this is the home directory of the defined username. When Deployment Management transfers a file or runs a command on this server, it logs in and changes directories to this base path before proceeding. Use forward slash characters (/) as directory separators, even for Windows systems.

    Connection Protocol

    The protocol to be used for server or client connections. SSH is a secure connections protocol, whereas Telnet is not. In order to use SSH as your connection protocol, you must first set up SSH on the destination machine.

    Note: If you select SSH, SSH2 (Legacy), or SSH2, you can specify a port number other than the default port number of 22. For details, see the note for the Name field above.

    Transfer Protocol

    The protocol to be used for moving files between various clients and servers. SCP is a secure transfer protocol, whereas FTP is not. In order to use SCP as your transfer protocol, you must first set up SCP on the destination machine.

    Stream Encoding

    Character encoding scheme used by the server.

    Enable Server

    Make the server information available to the system. Select the checkbox to make the server information available to the system.

  4. Complete the fields in the Client section as specified in the following table.

    Field Name



    The DNS name or IP address of the computer.


    A list of supported server/client operating systems. Should be set to the operating system for the computer defined in the Name field.


    The username that Deployment Management uses to log onto the server/client in order to transfer files or run commands. This will usually be "Micro Focus PPM" if that user account has been generated on this computer.


    The password for the given username. The password is hidden, and can be changed by clicking the button to the right of the field.

    NT Domain

    The domain name to use if this is a Window Server.

    Base Path

    The path for applications on this computer. In many instances, this is the home directory of the defined username. When Deployment Management transfers a file or runs a command on this server, it logs in and changes directories to this base path before proceeding. Note that the directory separators should utilize forward slashes (`/'), even for Windows systems.

    Connection Protocol

    The protocol to be used for server or client connections. SSH is a secure connections protocol, whereas Telnet is not. To use SSH as your connection protocol, you must first set up SSH on the destination machine.

    Transfer Protocol

    The protocol to be used for moving files between various clients and servers. SCP is a secure transfer protocol, whereas FTP is not. In order to use SCP as your transfer protocol, you must first set up SCP on the destination machine.

    Stream Encoding

    Character encoding scheme used by the client.

    Enable Client

    Make the client information available to the system. Select the checkbox to make the client information available to the system.

  5. In the Environment window, in the Database section, type the database server type in the Server Type field.

    • If Oracle Server is selected, complete the fields as specified in the following table.

      Field Name


      Host Name

      The DNS name or IP Address of the system running the Oracledatabase instance.

      Connect String

      The Oracle SQL*NET connection string used to connect to this database from a remote system. This is usually the same as the Oracle SID.

      User Name

      The username for the schema in the database that will be used by Deployment Management to make remote database connections.


      The password for the given username. The password is hidden, and can be changed by clicking the button to the right of the field.

      Oracle SID

      The SID of the database. This is used with the Port Number for Environment Comparison reporting.

      Port Number

      The port number of the TNS Listener database. Used for Environment comparison reporting.

      DB Link

      Reference to a remote Oracle database, if applicable.


      The Oracle version number for this database. Used for reporting purposes.

      Enable Database

      Make the database information available to the system. Select the checkbox to make the database information available to the system.

    • If SQL Server is selected, complete the fields as specified in the following table.

      Field Name


      Server Name

      The DNS name or IP Address of the system running the SQL database.

      DB Name

      The DB name used by Deployment Management when connecting to the SQL database.

      User Login

      The login ID used by Deployment Management when connecting to the SQL database.


      The password for the given login ID.

      Port Number

      The port number of the database. Used for Environment comparison reporting.


      The SQL version number for this database. Used for reporting purposes.

      Enable Database

      Make the database information available to the system. Select the checkbox to make the database information available to the system.

      Note: For SQL Server database, PPM Center supports ISQL utility only. Since ISQL utility is not supported in SQL Server 2005 and later versions, PPM Center does not support SQL Server 2005 and later.

  6. Click OK.