Using Application Code Environments

Complex environments are often segmented into subsections called environment applications. The environment information consists of the default set of attributes for an environment. It is rare, however, that an actual environment could be described simply by this set of defaults. For example, files belonging to different applications may reside at different paths and may be owned by different users. SQL scripts may need to be run against a different schema than the one defined on the Host tab.

When adding a line to a package, you have the option to choose the application code to specify the application that the migration object belongs to. When the object is subsequently migrated, the application-specific environment items are referenced in place of the default environment items. As a general rule, any application-specific environment item that has no value is substituted by the corresponding environment value.

Environment User Data fields are inherited by each application code and are displayed on the application code's User Data tab. Application Code User Data fields behave like other application code fields (such as host name and base path), in that blank field values indicate that the application code has the same value as its parent environment.

Each environment can contain its own set of applications.

Application fields do not always have to be populated. Click New App to open the New Application Code window to define an application code.

To define the application codes:

  1. From the Workbench shortcut bar, select Environments > Environments.

    The Environments Workbench opens.

  2. Open an environment.

    The Environment window opens.

  3. Click the Applications tab.

  4. Click New App.

    The New Application Code window opens.

  5. Complete the fields in the New Application Code window as specified in the following table.

    Field Name


    App Code

    Short name abbreviation for the application.

    Application Name

    Long name for the application.


    A description of the application.

    Server User Name

    User name used to log on when transferring files or running commands on the environment server for this application, if it is different from the default server username.

    Server Password

    Password for logging on to the server, if different from the default server password. This field is encrypted.

    Server Base Path

    Base path for the application on the server machine.

    Client User Name

    User name that Micro Focus should log in as when transferring files or running commands on the environment client for this application, if different from the default client name.

    Client Password

    Password for logging on to the client, if different from the default client password. This field is encrypted.

    Client Base Path

    Base path for the application on the client machine.

    DB Username

    Database username for the application. It is used when running database level commands (such as SQL scripts) for this application.

    DB Password

    Database password for the application. It is used when running database level commands (such as SQL scripts) for this application. This field is encrypted.

    DB Link

    Name of the database link for this application, if different from the default environment database link.


    Indicates whether this application environment is enabled.

  6. Click OK.

  7. From the Applications tab, click OK.