Install Operational Reporting for Oracle 11g and Oracle 12c (non-PDB)

Before you install Content Pack:

  • If you want to install content pack 2.0 or later versions in Oracle 12c, you need to disable the Oracle parameter _ADD_COL_OPTIM_ENABLED.

    To disable it, run the following with sysdba privilege in PPM schema:


  • When you install content pack 2.0 or later versions, you should set the parameter streams_pool_size to a value equal to or greater than 512 MB.

    To do this:

    1. Run the following with sysdba privilege in PPM database:

      alter system set streams_pool_size=512M scope=spfile;

      alter system set job_queue_processes=1000 scope=spfile;

      alter system set "_use_realfree_heap"=false; (This is required only when your Oracle version is or lower)

    2. Restart Oracle database.

To install Content Pack:

  1. Run the script.

    1. Navigate to the <Op_Report_Home>/install/sample directory, and open the file in a text editor.
    2. Uncomment the parameters listed in the following table, replace the placeholders with valid values, and then save and close the file.



      PPM DB Schema Name

      This value should exist in the Oracle tnsnames.ora entry.

      Example value: PPM_SCHEMA

      The PPM Center database schema name must be in all capital letters.

      PPM DB data_tablespace_name

      PPM Center database tablespace name.

      Note: This refers to the existing data tablespace in PPM Center database schema. PPM Center schema store this in the KINS_TABLESPACES table.

      Example value: PPM_DATA_TS

      PPM Center database data tablespace name must be in all capital letters.

      PPM DB temp_tablespace_name

      PPM Center database temp tablespace name.

      Note: This refers to the existing temp tablespace in PPM Center database schema. PPM Center schema store this in the KINS_TABLESPACES table.

      Example value: PPM_TEMP_TS

      PPM Center database temp tablespace name must be in all capital letters.

      PPM DB index_tablespace_name

      PPM Center database index tablespace name.

      Note: This refers to the existing index tablespace in PPM Center database schema. PPM Center schema store this in the KINS_TABLESPACES table.

      Example value: PPM_INDEX_TS

      PPM Center database index tablespace name must be in all capital letters.

      Full tnasame.ora entry to PPM schema

      Full tnsnames.ora entry for the PPM Center database schema.

      • For HOST, specify the IP address of the PPM Center database server
      • For PORT, specify the PPM Center database port
      • For SERVICE_NAME, specify the SID in tnsnames.ora file for the PPM Center database

      Example value:


    3. Run the script.
    4. Navigate to the <Op_Report_Home>\install\log directory and check the setup_reporting_sys.log file for errors.
  2. Run the script to import the PPM data into the Operational Reporting database.

    1. Navigate to the <Op_Report_Home>/install/sample directory, and open the file in a text editor.
    2. Uncomment the parameters listed in the following table, replace the placeholders with valid values, and then save and close the file.



      Reporting DB Schema Name

      Operational Reporting database schema name.

      Example value: RPT_SCHEMA

      The Operational Reporting database schema name must be in all capital letters.

      Reporting DB TNS Name

      Identifies the Oracle instance running the Operational Reporting database schema. the TNS name is configured in the

      tnsnames.ora file.

      Example value: RPT

      Reporting DB index_tablespace_name

      Name of the index tablespace for the Operational Reporting database.

      Example value: RPT_INDEX_TS

      The Operational Reporting database index tablespace name must be in all capital letters.


      Name of the link to the PPM Center database. This link is created automatically during the setup_all script run.

      Example value: PPM_DB_LINK

      ETL start date (mm-dd-yyyy)

      Start date (in mm-dd-yyyy format) for the PPM Center data to load into the Operational Reporting database schema.

      Example value: 01/01/2009

      ETL end date (mm-dd-yyyy)

      End date (in mm-dd-yyyy format) for the PPM Center data to load into the Operational Reporting database schema.

      Example value: 01/01/2011

      Note: The ETL end date you specify is converted based on the fiscal year. For details, see the Installation and Administration Guide.

      Reporting DB data_tablespace_name

      Name of the data tablespace for the Operational Reporting database

      Example value: RPT_DATA_TS

      The Operational Reporting database data tablespace name must be in all capital letters.

      Request dimension ETL start date (mm-dd-yyyy)

      Start date (in mm-dd-yyyy format) for the PPM Center request data to load into the Operational Reporting database schema.

      Example value: 01/01/2009

      Note: If your PPM Center database contains data for old, but active requests, you can include that data without importing all data from that time period.


      Separate tablespace that requires no redo log for the Operational Reporting database to store data.

      Example value: PPM_DATA_TS_NL


      Separate tablespace that requires no redo log for the Operational Reporting database to store indexes.

      Example value: PPM_INDEX_TS_NL

    3. Run the script.
    4. During the load script run, provide Operational Reporting database schema password and the Operational Reporting SYS user password, as prompted.

    5. The script creates a load_data.log file in the <Op_Report_Home>/install/log directory. Check the log file to make sure that no errors occurred.

      Note: You can run the only once. If you discover any incorrect data, you have to re-install the Operational Reporting package. To re-install the package, you start from step 5 and then run the load script.

  3. Run the following commands in the <ogg_home> directory to restart the OGG Manager: