Customize an existing mapping

This example shows you how to add the NAME attribute to the integration including the TQL query and Push Adapter Mapping. It allows the integration to push the NAME attribute to Location in APM.

After completing the following steps, you may run the job with the customized mapping:

  1. Add the NAME attribute to the APM Location Push TQL query layout.

    In this step you add the NAME attribute of the Location to the integration TQL query (APM Location Push TQL) so that you can use the attribute and value in the mapping.

    1. Navigate to Modeling > Modeling Studio > Resources and select the Queries Resource Type.

    2. Navigate to Query: Root > Integration > APM Push > APM Location Push.

    3. Select Root, right-click and select Query Node Properties.

    4. Go to the Element Layout tab.

    5. Move the Name to the Specific Attributes box.

    6. Click OK.

    7. Save the Query.

  2. Add the NAME Mapping to the pushMappingAPMLocation.xml push adapter mapping.

    In this step you take the value from the TQL result and remodel it to the APM Data Model.

    1. Navigate to Data Flow Management > Adapter Management > Packages > APMPushAdapter > Configuration Files > pushMapingAPMLocation.xml.

    2. Navigate to the <target_ci_type name="fields"> XML tag.

    3. Below the tag, add the following XML tag to hold the value of the Description:

      <target_mapping name="REQ.DESCRIPTION" datatype="STRING" value="APMPushFunctions.subString(Root['name'],200)"/>

      where, "REQ.DESCRIPTION" is the request Name field token of Location.

    4. Click OK.