Using ALM Entities

This section describes the request types, workflows, portlets, reports, and special commands (the "entities") provided in ALM content bundle to facilitate implementation of ITIL processes. Some of these entities are used by the integrations with other Micro Focus products.

The ALM entities provided for change management are described first, then the entities for release management are described, and then the special commands.

Several ALM entities that are used only for integrations of PPM with Micro FocusQuality Center or its new version Application Lifecycle Management are described in Integrate PPM requests with QC/ALM defects or requirements .

For More Information

The request types, workflows, portlets, reports, and special commands provided with ALM can be configured to fit your business needs. The following table lists the types of entities and the associated PPM guides to which you should refer for configuration information.

Table 3-1. PPM Center entities and associated configuration guides


Configuration Guide

Request type

Demand Management Configuration Guide


Demand Management Configuration Guide


Creating Portlets and Modules


Reports Guide and Reference

Special command

Commands, Tokens, and Validations Guide and Reference