Operational Reporting

Operational Reporting for Project and Portfolio Management Center (PPM) enables you to provide rich, interactive reports on PPM data. You can use it to distribute weekly reports, provide customers with personalized service offerings, or to integrate business-critical information into corporate portals.

This documentation includes the following sections:

  • Use Excel reports for Operational Reporting provides details about how to use the Excel version of the reports that PPM supplies with Operational Reporting. It is written for PPM users, particularly users who act as direct managers, resource managers, and project managers. Readers are assumed to be familiar with the functionality of all PPM products.

  • Operational Reporting administrator provides information about how to deploy the Operational Reporting solution for PPM. It is written for PPM administrators, configurators, and DBAs who are knowledgeable about PPM. Readers are assumed to be moderately knowledgeable about enterprise application development and skilled in enterprise system and database administration.