How to Use Large Data Mode

In order to use Large Data mode, you only need to meet the following conditions:

  • An object is available in the template containing a collection of all the objects to be inserted in Large Data mode.

    This object can be created in a scripting block of the template, or added by a Java preprocessor.

    The default name of this object is largeData, but you can modify it by setting a parameter LARGE_DATA_OBJECT_NAME in the command steps of the report type.

  • Cells in the last line of any spreadsheet of the Excel template contain the names of the attributes of the large data collection objects to be inserted, enclosed in $$.

    Example: The last line could be something like the following:

    $$name$$ $$address$$ $$phone$$

    If the data to be inserted is in a different object than largeData or the object defined in the parameter LARGE_DATA_OBJECT_NAME, you should add the object name before the attribute name in any $$ cell, with a space between the object name and the attribute name. For example, $$<yourOtherLargeDataObjectName> address$$. You only need to specify the object in a single $$ cell.

    If, for any reason, you add different object names in different $$ cells of the same line, the object defined in the last $$ cell prevails.

    If you are working with PPM versions earlier than 9.50, you can only use Large Data mode in the first spreadsheet of the Excel template. The Large Data object name is always largeData or the object defined in the parameter LARGE_DATA_OBJECT_NAME.

    Note: It is very important that no empty cell exists after the last $$ value. If you select the first $$ cell of the last line and press CTRL+SHIFT+<END>, it should only select all the $$ values on the last line. No empty cell should be selected on the right or below that line. Failing to do so results in a NullPointerException message.