Run reports

This topic describes how to create and submit report queries, as well as how to access and view the results.

Submit reports

This section provides details on how to submit reports.

To submit a report:

  1. Prerequisite: To view or submit reports, you must have the System: Submit Report access grant.

  2. Log on to PPM.

  3. From the menu bar, select Open > Reports > Create Report.

  4. In the Submit New Report page, do either of the following to select the report to be submitted:

    • In the Recently Submitted Reports section, click the link for the report you want to run.

    • In the Select Report by Category section, select the appropriate category for Report Category and then click the link for the report you want to run.

    You can only select the reports to which you have access. In addition, the list of available reports are further restricted by security settings on the individual report types. For more information about report security, see the Security Model Guide and Reference.

    Once a report is selected, the Submit Report: <Report Name> window opens. This window is sometimes called the "report submission page."

  5. In the Report Parameters section, type or change information in the fields to define the report results.

    The fields in this section vary depending on the report you selected. For details on report fields, see the description in:

    • The relevant topics in this document. For example, to find information about Deployment management reports, see Deployment Management Reports.
    • The applicable Deployment Management Extension document. For example, to find information about report types related to Oracle E-Business Suite, see the Deployment Management Extension for Oracle E-Business Suite Guide.
  6. In the Scheduling and Output Options section, select when to run the report and whether to send a notification when the report is completed.

    • To run the report right away, select Run Report Immediately.
    • To run the report (once) at a later time, select Run Report On, and select a date.
    • To run the report on a periodic basis:

      1. Select Run Report On and provide a date when the report is first run.
      2. Select Repeat Every, and then provide the frequency and the date when the report is last run.
    • To send a brief notification:

      1. Select Send email to and select the users to whom the notification is sent.
      2. To include the report in the email, select Include report as email attachment.
  7. To send a notification that has more comprehensive features than those available with Send email to:

    1. Expand the Advanced Notifications section.

    2. Click Add a Notification.

    3. Provide relevant information in the Edit Advanced Notifications window.

    4. Click Add.

  8. Click Submit.

    • For reports that are run immediately:

      1. The Submit Report window opens. The status is refreshed until the report is complete.

        The completed report is displayed in a separate window.

      2. (Optional) To print the completed report, click Print.

        Tip: The print feature is not available for all reports. If a given report does not have a Print button, use your browser's print facility.

    • For reports that are scheduled to run at a later time:

      1. The Schedule Report window opens.

      2. The report results, or its status, can be accessed from the Recently Submitted Reports section of your My Reports page. See View previously submitted report results for details.

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View previously submitted report results

You can view the results or status of previously submitted reports from either the My Reports or the View Reports menu.

Use My Reports

To view the results of previously submitted reports using the My Reports menu:

  1. Log on to PPM.

  2. From the menu bar, select Open > Reports > My Reports to open the My Reports page.

    To view the report results, do either of the following:

    • In the Report # column, click the link for the report in the Report # column.

    • Click Modify Search to filter reports you want to see.

Use View Reports

To view the results of previously submitted reports using the View Reports menu:

  1. Log on to PPM.

  2. From the menu bar, select Open > Reports > View Reports.

    The View Reports page opens.

  3. In the Search for Reports section, provide the search criteria in the appropriate fields, and then click Search.

    Filter Description
    Report Type Filters reports of the selected report types.
    Report # Filters the report with the report number.
    Created By Filters reports submitted by the selected users.
    Repeating Filters reports that are submitted in the selected frequency.
    Status Filters reports in the selected status.
    All Reports Filters all submitted reports
    Scheduled Reports
    • All Scheduled Reports: Filters all scheduled reports.
    • Scheduled to run within the next: Filters reports that are scheduled to run within the specified future periods.
    • Scheduled to run From To: Filters reports that are scheduled to run during the specified time range.
    Previous Reports
    • All Previous Reports: Filters all reports that were run.
    • Run within the last: Filters reports that were run within the specified last periods.

      The starting time of this filter is 00:00 xxx periods ago. For example, if the filter is "Run within the last 1 day", it filters reports that were run starting from 00:00 the previous day to the current.

    • Run From To: Filters reports that were run during the specified time range.
  4. To view the report results, do one of the following:

    • In the Report # column, click the link for the report in the Report # column.

    • Click Modify Search to filter reports you want to see.

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View and cancel running reports

You can view and cancel a running report.

To view or cancel a running report:

  1. Prerequisite: To access the View Running Reports page, you must have the Administrator License and the Sys Admin: Server Tools: Execute Admin Tools access grant.

  2. Log on to PPM.

  3. From the menu bar, select Open > Administration > Report Execution > View Running Reports to open the View Running Reports page.

    The Report Details section lists and provides summary information about reports currently running and reports scheduled to run.

    The following table lists the fields displayed on the View Running Reports page.

    Field Name


    Summary section

    Currently Running

    Provides the number of reports currently running.

    Waiting to Run

    Number of submitted reports waiting to run.

    These are not the reports that are scheduled to run. Rather, they are not running because of current load on the system and will run as soon as the current report runs are completed.

    Report Details section

    Report #

    Report ID.

    Report Type

    Report name.

    Launched By

    Full name of the user who submitted the report.

    Launched Time

    Time at which the report was submitted.


    Indicates whether the report is running (Yes) or waiting (No).


    Name of the PPM Server running the report.

    Session ID

    Oracle database session ID for the session that the report uses to query data.

    Process ID

    Oracle database process ID for the process that the report uses.


    Cancels a report that is currently running or waiting to be run.

    You can cancel only the reports listed in Reports that can be cancelled.

  4. To cancel a report, click Cancel in the row for the report.

    After you cancel the report submission, the page refreshes and no longer lists the report.

    When a report submitter is disabled, you can configure PPM to skip and delete the reports scheduled by that user by setting the SKIP_SCHEDULED_REPORT_WHEN_SUBMITTER_DISABLED and DELETE_SCHEDULED_REPORT_WHEN_SUBMITTOR_DISABLED_FOR_DAYS parameters to true. For details, see Server parameters.

    Note: Reports that do not use the ksc_run_jsp_report special command are subject to some limitations and cannot be cancelled from the View Running Reports page. The following section, Reports that can be cancelled, lists the reports you can cancel from the View Running Reports page.

Reports that can be cancelled

You can cancel the following reports from the View Running Reports page:

  • ALM - Change Summary Report

  • ALM - Forward Schedule of Releases

  • ALM - Forward Schedule of Changes for RFC

  • ALM - Release Content Report

  • ALM - Release Summary Report

  • Contact Detail Report

  • Import Users

  • Notification History Report

  • Project Cost Breakdown

  • Project Cost Details

  • Request Detail (Filter by Custom Fields) Report

  • Request Detail Report

  • Request History Report

  • Request Quick View

  • Request Summary (Filter by Custom Fields Report)

  • Request Type Detail Report

  • Time Sheet Details

  • Time Sheet Summary

  • User Detail Report

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Delete report results

You can delete report results that are outdated and no longer useful.

To delete report results:

  1. Log on to PPM.

  2. From the menu bar, select Open > Reports > My Reports to open the My Reports page.

    You can find the results of the reports that you submitted in the Search Results: Reports section.

  3. You can delete one or more report results.

    • To delete all the report results:

      1. Click Check All.

        If you change your mind about your choices, you can either clear single check boxes, or click Clear All to clear all of the check boxes.

      2. Click Delete.

    • To delete one or more report results:

      1. Select the check box of the report results to delete.

        If you change your mind about your choices, you can either clear single check boxes, or click Clear All to clear all of the check boxes.

      2. Click Delete.

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See also: