Working with Resource Pools

To control user actions on resource pools, use a combination of access grants and settings in the Configure Access for Resource Pool page, which is shown in Figure 7-1. Configure Access for Resource Pool page.

Figure 7-1. Configure Access for Resource Pool page

Viewing Resource Pools

To allow a user to modify resource pool information, use the settings listed in Table 7-4. Settings to allow users to view resource pool information

Table 7-4. Settings to allow users to view resource pool information




Access Grant

(only one is required)

Resource Mgmt: View Resource Pools

View resource pool information if the user has view access on the Configure Access for Resource Pool page.

Resource Mgmt: View All Resource Pools

View resource pool information for all resource pools.

Note: This grant provides unlimited view access to any resource pool. To provide more limited view access, consider using the Resource Mgmt: View Resource Pool access grant.

Access Grant

(only one is required)

Resource Mgmt: View Resource Pool Cost View cost charts in all the teams.
Resource Mgmt: View All Resource Pools Cost View cost charts in the associated team of the resource pool where you are given the View Cost right.

Configure Access for Resource Pool

View Access

Users who are included in the View Access list and have the Resource Mgmt: View Resource Pools access grant can view the resource pool information.

Creating Resource Pools

To allow a user to create resource pools, use the settings listed in Table 7-5. Settings to allow users to create resource pools.

Table 7-5. Settings to allow users to create resource pools




Access Grant

Resource Mgmt: Edit Resource Pools

Create a resource pool.

Resource Mgmt: Edit All Resource Pools

Create a resource pool.

Resource Mgmt: Create Resource Pools (required)

Create resource pools using the standard interface. The user must also have either the Resource Mgmt: Edit Resource Pools or Resource Mgmt: Edit All Resource Pools access grant.

Modifying Resource Pools

To allow a user to modify resource pool information, use the settings listed in Table 7-6. Settings to allow users to modify resource pools.

Table 7-6. Settings to allow users to modify resource pools




Access Grant

(only one is required)

Resource Mgmt: Edit All Resource Pools

Edit and disable any resource pool.

Resource Mgmt: Edit Resource Pools

Edit resource pool information, if the user has been granted edit access on the Configure Access for Resource Pool page (). Disable these resource pools if given sufficient access in the Configure Access for Resource Pool page for that resource pool.

Additional Editing Access

Edit Basic Resource Pool Information

Used with the Resource Mgmt: Edit Resource Pools access grant.

Let the user edit resource pool header fields and notes. The user cannot change the periods or any information in the Resource Pool Breakdown section.

Edit Plan

Let the user edit the periods and the information in the Resource Pool Breakdown section.

Edit Security

Let the user edit the list of users who can modify the resource pool using the Configure Access for Resource Pool page.