Access grants

Access grants enable certain activities within PPM.

Overview of access grants

PPM comes with predefined access grants. Installing an Deployment Management Extension may introduce additional access grants. To see the list of the available access grants, see Predefined access grants.

In general, view access grants provide read-only access to screens and entities. Users who do not have a view access grant cannot see certain workbenches and windows.

Edit access grants typically enable a user to view, create, modify, and delete entities. For example, if you have the Edit Requests access grant, you can delete requests that you have created.

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Edit Security Groups access grant

Any users with the Edit Security Groups access grant can add themselves to the PPM All Access Grants security group. This security group allows complete access to PPM. You cannot modify this security group to limit this ability.

If you want to assign a user the Edit Security Groups access grant but do not want to give the user the complete access, you can create a copy of the PPM All Access Grants security group, modify the copied security group to limit access to itself, and then disable the existing PPM All Access Grants.

To make a copy of the PPM All Access Grants security group and limit its access:

  1. From the Security Group Workbench, select the PPM All Access Grants security group and click Copy.

  2. Edit the copied security group as follows:

    1. In the Ownership tab, set the ability to edit the copied security group.

    2. In the Users tab, assign all users who are part of the PPM All Access Grant security group to the copied security group.

    3. Make any additional updates to limit access to the security group.

    4. Save your changes.

  3. From the PPM All Access Grants security group, remove all users and save your changes.

  4. Run the following SQL statement to disable the PPM All Access Grants security group:

    Copy code
    UPDATE knta_security_groups SET enabled_flag='N' WHERE security_group_id = 3;commit;
  5. Restart the PPM Server.

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Predefined access grants

The following table lists the predefined access grants and provides a description of each.


Access Grant Name



Edit Activities

Modify activities in the Activities Workbench.


Edit Notification Templates

Create, update, and delete notification templates in the Notification Templates Workbench.


Edit Report Types

Create, update, and delete report types in the Report Types Workbench.


Edit Special Commands

Create, update, and delete special commands in the Special Command Workbench.


Edit User Data

Create, update, and delete user data definitions in the User Data Workbench.


Edit Validation Values

Create, update, and delete validation values in the Validations Workbench.


Edit Validations

Create, update, and delete validations in the Validation Workbench.


Edit Workflows

Generate, update, and delete workflows in the Workflows Workbench.


View Activities

View activities in the Activities Workbench.


View Notification Templates

View notification template definitions in the Notification Templates Workbench.


View Report Types

View report type definitions in the Report Types Workbench.


View Special Commands

View special command definitions in the Special Command Workbench.


View User Data

View user data definitions in the User Data Workbench.


View Validations

View validations in the Validations Workbench.


View Workflows

View workflow definitions in the Workflows Workbench.

Demand Mgmt

Access Request Query Builder

Use the request query builder on the Search Requests page.

Demand Mgmt

Change Request Type

Change the request type for existing requests.

Demand Mgmt

Edit All Contacts

Edit and delete contacts using the Contact Workbench.

Demand Mgmt

Edit All Requests

Perform advanced request processing actions.

User always has permission to:

  • Edit the request.

  • Delete or cancel a request.

User can:

  • Override and remove any references on any request.

  • Change the workflow when creating and editing a request.

Demand Mgmt

Edit Contacts

Create and update contacts in the Contact Workbench.

Demand Mgmt

Edit Demand

Access the Demand Management scheduling functions, the consolidated picture of demand, and all other Demand Management menu items related to scheduling or managing demand.

Demand Mgmt

Edit Request Header Types

Create, update, and delete request header types in the Request Header Types Workbench.

Demand Mgmt

Edit Request Types

Create, update, and delete request types in the Request Types Workbench.

Demand Mgmt

Edit Requests

Perform basic request processing actions.

Allows the user to:

  • Generate requests.

  • Edit the request as specified on the User Access tab in the Request Type window.

  • Delete the request as specified on the User Access tab in the Request Type window for requests that you have submitted.

  • Cancel the request as specified on the User Access tab in the Request Type window.

User cannot change the workflow when creating or editing a request.

Demand Mgmt

Import Request

Enables the user to have the access to import requests from XML files.

Demand Mgmt

Override Demand Mgmt Participant Restriction

Allows the user to review a request regardless of whether the user is allowed to view as defined on the request type's User Access tab.

Demand Mgmt

View All Contacts in Request

View all contacts in a request, even if a company is associated with the request.

Demand Mgmt

View Contacts

View the contact definition in the Contact Workbench.

Demand Mgmt

View Request Header Types

View request header type definitions in the Request Header Types Workbench.

Demand Mgmt

View Request Types

View the request type definition in the Request Types Workbench.

Demand Mgmt

View Requests

View requests in the Request Types Workbench.

Deployment Mgmt

Edit All Packages

Edit or delete any packages.

Deployment Mgmt

Edit All Releases

Create, edit and delete any release using the Releases Workbench.

A user with this grant can:

  • Create a release

  • Be designated as the release manager in the Release window

  • Edit or delete any release in PPM (regardless of the specified release manager in the Release Management window).

Deployment Mgmt

Edit Object Types

Create, edit, and delete object types in the Object Types Workbench.

Deployment Mgmt

Edit Packages

Perform the following basic package processing actions:

  • Create, edit certain related packages.

  • Delete certain packages that have not been submitted.

To edit the package, user must be:

  • The creator

  • "Assigned to" user

  • Member of the assigned group

  • Member of the workflow step's security group

User cannot delete a package if it has been released or if user is not the owner.

Deployment Mgmt

Edit Releases

Perform basic release processing actions in the Releases Workbench.

A user with this grant can:

  • View any release

  • Be designated as the release manager

  • Create releases

  • Edit or delete any release that the user created

  • Act on any distribution workflow steps where the user is included in the step security.

  • Edit or delete a release that the user did not create (only if the user is designated as the release manager in the Release Management window).

Deployment Mgmt

Override Deployment Mgmt Participant Restriction

View detailed information on a restricted package for which the user is not an active participant.

Deployment Mgmt

Submit Environment Refreshes

Create and submit an environment refresh in the Env Refresh Workbench.

Deployment Mgmt

View Environment Refreshes

View environment refresh definitions in the Env Refresh Workbench.

Deployment Mgmt

View Object Types

View object type definitions in the Object Types Workbench.

Deployment Mgmt

View Packages

View packages in the standard interface or the Package Workbench.

Deployment Mgmt

View Releases

View release definitions in the Releases Workbench. Act on any distribution workflow steps that include the user in the step security.


Edit Environments

Create, update and delete environments in the Environment Workbench.


View Environments

View environment definitions in the Environment Workbench.

Financial Mgmt

Edit Actuals on All Financial Summaries

Allows the user to edit actuals of and create snapshots for all financial summaries in the system.

Financial Mgmt

Edit Actuals on Financial Summary

Allows the user to edit the actuals of and create snapshots for the financial summary.

The user must also have the following:

  • Edit Costs access right on the Configure Access page of the financial summary.

  • View Costs access right on the Configure Access page of the financial summary.

Financial Mgmt

Edit All Financial Benefits

Allows the user do the following:

  • Edit financial benefits (add, update, and delete benefit lines) of all financial summaries in the system.

  • Take and view snapshots of all financial summaries in the system.

  • Edit financial benefits of all financial data tables of all requests in the system.

The user must also have access to view the financial summary's costs or the financial data table's costs (see the View Costs on Financial Summary access grant in this table).

Financial Mgmt

Edit Approved Budget

Allows the user to edit the approved budget of the financial summary.

The user must also have the following:

  • Edit Approved Budget access right on the Configure Access page of the financial summary.

  • Access to view the financial summary's costs (see the View Costs on Financial Summary access grant in this table).

Financial Mgmt

Edit Approved Budget on All Financial Summaries

Allows the user to edit approved budgets of all financial summaries in the system.

This access grant should be used in conjunction with the View Costs on All Financial Summaries or the Edit Costs on All Financial Summaries access grant.

Financial Mgmt

Edit Cost Rate Rules

Create, edit, and delete cost rate rules.

Financial Mgmt

Edit Cost Security

Allows the user to add and delete users and security groups and change their access rights on the Configure Access page of the financial summary or the request's financial data table. (For a project, also allows the user to select cost participants in the Project Security policy in Project Settings.)

The user must also have the following:

  • Edit Security access right on the Configure Access page of the financial summary or the financial data table.

  • Access to view the financial summary's costs or the financial data table's costs (see the View Costs on Financial Summary access grant in this table).

Financial Mgmt

Edit Cost Security on All Financial Summaries

Allows the user to edit cost security of all financial summaries and all financial data tables in the system.

Financial Mgmt

Edit Costs on All Financial Summaries

Allows the user to do the following:

  • Edit forecast and actual costs (add, update, and delete cost lines) of all financial summaries in the system.

  • Take and view snapshots of all financial summaries in the system.

  • Edit the Name and Description fields in the Summary section of all financial summaries in the system.

  • Edit the financial summary settings of all financial summaries in the system.

  • Edit forecast and actual costs (add, update, and delete cost lines) of all financial data tables of all requests in the system.

  • Edit the Name and Description fields in the Summary section of all financial data tables of all requests in the system.

Financial Mgmt

Edit Costs on Financial Summary

Allows the user to do the following:

  • Edit forecast and actual costs (add, update, and delete cost lines) of the financial summary.

  • Take and view snapshots of the financial summary.

  • Edit the Name and Description fields in the Summary section of the financial summary.

  • Edit the financial summary settings.

  • Edit forecast and actual costs (add, update, and delete cost lines) of the request's financial data table.

  • Edit the Name and Description fields in the Summary section of the request's financial data table.

The user must also have the Edit Costs access right on the Configure Access page of the financial summary or the financial data table.

Financial Mgmt

Edit Financial Benefits

Allows the user to do the following:

  • Edit financial benefits (add, update, and delete benefit lines) of the financial summary.

  • Edit financial benefits of the request's financial data table.

The user must also have the following:

  • Edit Benefits access right on the Configure Access page of the financial summary or the financial data table.

  • Access to view the financial summary's costs or the financial data table's costs (see the View Costs on Financial Summary access grant in this table).

Financial Mgmt

Edit Financial Exchange Rates

Create and update financial exchange rates.

Financial Mgmt

Edit Work Plan Cost Data

Edit cost data related to tasks, projects, programs, resources and skills. The user must also have access to edit these entities.

Financial Mgmt

Manage Cost Factors

User can reprioritize, add, or remove cost factors.

Financial Mgmt

Set a Financial Summary Snapshot as the Plan of Record

Allows the user to specify a snapshot in the list of financial summary snapshots as the Plan of Record.

The user must also have the following:

  • Set Plan of Record access right on the Configure Access page of the financial summary.

  • Access to view the financial summary's costs (see the View Costs on Financial Summary access grant in this table).

Financial Mgmt

Set Plan of Record on All Financial Summaries

Allows the user to specify a snapshot in the list of snapshots as the Plan of Record, for any financial summary in the system.

Financial Mgmt

View All Financial Benefits

Allows the user to do the following:

  • View financial benefits of all financial summaries in the system.

  • View financial benefits of all financial data tables of all requests in the system.

The user must also have access to view the financial summary's costs or the financial data table's costs (see the View Costs on Financial Summary access grant in this table).

Financial Mgmt

View Cost Rate Rules

View cost rate rules on the Cost Rate Rules page.

Financial Mgmt

View Costs on All Financial Summaries

Allows the user to do the following:

  • View forecast and actual costs, approved budgets, and cost forecasts on snapshots of all financial summaries in the system.

  • View forecast and actual costs of all financial data tables of all requests in the system.

Financial Mgmt

View Costs on Financial Summary

Allows the user to do the following:

  • View forecast and actual costs, approved budgets, and cost forecasts on snapshots of the financial summary.

  • View forecast and actual costs of the request's financial data table.

The user must also have the View Costs access right on the Configure Access page of the financial summary or the financial data table.

Note: The View Costs access right is automatically given to the cost participants of the lifecycle entity that is the current parent of the financial summary.

Financial Mgmt

View Financial Benefits

Allows the user to view financial benefits of the financial summary or the request's financial data table.

The user must also have the following:

  • View Benefits access right on the Configure Access page of the financial summary or the financial data table.

  • Access to view the financial summary's costs or the financial data table's costs (see the View Costs on Financial Summary access grant in this table).

Financial Mgmt

View Financial Exchange Rates

User can view financial exchange rates.

Financial Mgmt

View Project, Program, and Time Sheet Cost Data

View cost data related to tasks, projects, programs, resources, and skills. The user must also have access to view these entities.


Create Programs

When combined with the Edit Programs access grant, the user can create a program.


Edit All Programs

Create and edit any program.


Edit Programs

Program manager having this access grant can create and edit a program.


View Programs

View program definitions.

PMO Delete Programs When a user can edit a program and have this access grant, the user can delete a program.
PMO View Program Type View program types.
PMO Edit Program Type

Create, edit and delete program types. Editing can be further restricted through ownership controls defined in the program type.

Portfolio Mgmt

Configure Portfolio Management

Allows users to do the following:

  • On the Configure Portfolio and Scenario Comparison Options page, select which PFM request fields are made available for users to view in the Proposals/Projects/Assets tab of hierarchical portfolios and in the Scenario Content table of scenario comparisons.

  • On the Configure Portfolio and Scenario Comparison Options page, set categorization preferences for scenario comparisons.

  • On the Configure Portfolio and Scenario Comparison Options page, set financial metrics for portfolios.

  • Configure the scoring key for proposals/projects/assets.

Portfolio Mgmt

Edit All Portfolios

Allows the user to do the following:

  • View the portfolio hierarchy

  • View all portfolios in the system

  • Create new portfolios

  • Delete empty portfolios

  • Edit all portfolios in the system, including changing portfolio names, adding and removing portfolio managers, and editing portfolio access rights on the Configure Access page

  • View and edit the Analyze Current Portfolio page and the following portlets:

    • Capitalized Project Breakdown

    • Capitalized Project Timelines

    • Current Portfolio Map

    • Impairment Risks

    • Portfolio by Category

    • Resource by Category

    • Total Exposure

  • Create and edit business objectives

Portfolio Mgmt

Edit All Scenario Comparisons

View, edit, and delete any scenario comparisons in the system, and create new scenario comparisons.

Portfolio Mgmt

Edit Portfolio

Allows the user to do the following:

  • View the portfolio hierarchy.

  • View the portfolios for which the user also has the View Portfolio or Edit Portfolio access right on the Configure Access page.

  • Edit the portfolios for which the user also has the Edit Portfolio access right on the Configure Access page. However, having the Edit Portfolio access grant and the Edit Portfolio access right is not sufficient to allow the user to edit a portfolio's access rights or portfolio managers.

  • Be available for selection in the Portfolio Manager auto-complete field in all portfolios. Then, if selected as a portfolio manager for a portfolio, the user can edit that portfolio and specify other portfolio managers for that portfolio.

  • Be available for addition to the Configure Access page to be given the View Portfolio and Edit Portfolio access rights.

Portfolio Mgmt

Edit Scenario Comparison

Allows the user to view, edit, and delete any scenario comparison for which the user is on the specified Edit list, and can create new scenario comparisons.

Portfolio Mgmt

View All Portfolios

Allows the user to do the following:

  • View the portfolio hierarchy

  • View all portfolios in the system

  • View and edit the Analyze Current Portfolio page and the following portlets:

    • Capitalized Project Breakdown

    • Capitalized Project Timelines

    • Current Portfolio Map

    • Impairment Risks

    • Portfolio by Category

    • Resource by Category

    • Total Exposure

Portfolio Mgmt

View Scenario Comparison

Allows the user to view any scenario comparison for which the user is on the specified View or Edit list.

Portfolio Mgmt Manage KPIs Allows users to add and modify KPIs.

Project Mgmt

Create Projects

Create projects through the standard interface. The user must have one of the following access grants:

  • Project Mgmt: Edit Projects

  • Project Mgmt: Edit All Projects

Project Mgmt

Edit All Projects

Edit all projects, even if the user does not otherwise meet the participant restrictions on the project. This includes the ability to perform functions reserved for the project manager.

Project Mgmt

Delete Projects

Delete projects that do not have actuals logged. The user must also have the Project Mgmt: Edit Projects access grant and be assigned as a project manager on the project, or have the Project Mgmt: Edit All Projects grant.

Project Mgmt

Delete Projects with Actuals

Delete projects, even if actuals have been logged. The user must have the Project Mgmt: Delete Projects and associated access grants.

Project Mgmt

Edit Project Types

Create, edit and delete project types. Editing can be further restricted through ownership controls defined in the project type.

Project Mgmt

Edit Projects

Edit projects and work plans. If the users is editing project-level fields and the project process, any security defined on the project process request type and workflow is enforced.

Note: Some functions are limited to the project managers for the project. These are:

  • Modify settings

  • Modify participant groups

  • Override the overall project health

  • Create, edit, schedule, or delete the project work plan

  • Create the project staffing profile from the project overview page (also requires access grants for this entity)

  • Create, delete, and set the active work plan baselines (requires additional grants)

  • Delete projects (requires additional grants)

Project Mgmt

Edit Work Plan Templates

Create and edit work plan templates. Editing can be further restricted through ownership controls defined in the work plan template.

Project Mgmt

Manage All Work Plan Baselines

Create, update, delete, and set work plan baselines active for any project the user can view, even if the user is not a project manager for the project.

Project Mgmt

Manage Work Plan Baselines

Create, update, delete, and set work plan baselines as active. The user must also be the project manager for the project and have either the Edit Projects access grant, or the Edit All Projects access grant.

Project Mgmt

Synchronize Work Plans

Integrate work plans between Microsoft® Project and PPM.

Project Mgmt

View All Projects

View all projects, even if the user does not otherwise meet the participant restrictions on the project. Also allows the user to add projects to programs including projects that the user is not a participant.

Project Mgmt

Update Tasks

Allows assigned resources to update their work plan tasks through the My Tasks portlet.

Project Mgmt

View Project Types

View project types.

Project Mgmt

View Projects

View projects for which the user meets defined participant restrictions.

Project Mgmt

View Work Plan Templates

View work plan templates.

Resource Mgmt

Create Resource Pools

Create resource pools using the standard interface. The user must have one of the following access grants:

  • Resource Mgmt: Edit Resource Pools

  • Resource Mgmt: Edit All Resource Pools

Resource Mgmt

Create Staffing Profiles

Create staffing profiles using the standard interface. The user must have one of the following access grants:

  • Resource Mgmt: Edit Staffing Profiles

  • Resource Mgmt: Edit All Staffing Profiles

Resource Mgmt

Delete Staffing Profiles

User can delete a staffing profile as long as no actuals are specified.

Resource Mgmt

Delete Staffing Profiles with Actuals

User can delete any staffing profile in the system.

Resource Mgmt

Edit All Resource Pools

Edit or delete any resource pool.

Resource Mgmt

Edit All Resources

Edit the resource information for any resource defined in PPM.

Resource Mgmt

Edit All Roles

Create, edit, and delete all roles defined in PPM.

Resource Mgmt

Edit All Skills

Create, edit, and delete all skills defined in PPM.

Resource Mgmt

Edit All Staffing Profiles

Allows the user to edit or delete any staffing profile in the system.

Resource Mgmt

Edit Entire Organization

Edit and delete any organization unit.

Resource Mgmt

Edit My Calendar

A user who also has the View All Resources access grant can edit his or her own calendar information.

Resource Mgmt

Edit Only Organization Units That I Manage

Edit organization unit information for units that list the current user as the manager in the View Organization Unit page. Also delete any of these organization units.

Resource Mgmt

Edit only resources that I manage

Edit resource information for resources that list the current user as the Direct Manager. A resource's Direct Manager is displayed on the View Resource page.

Resource Mgmt

Edit Regional Calendars

Create, edit, and delete regional calendars defined in PPM.

Resource Mgmt

Edit Resource Pools

Edit resource pool information if the user has been granted edit access on the Configure Access for Resource Pool page. Delete these resource pools if given sufficient access on the Configure Access for Resource Pool page for that resource pool.

Resource Mgmt

Edit Staffing Profiles

Edit staffing profile information if the user has been granted edit access on the Configure Access for Staffing Profile page. Delete these staffing profiles if given sufficient access on the Configure Access for Staffing Profile page for that staffing profile.

Resource Mgmt

Edit Regions

Create, edit, and delete all regions defined in PPM. The user must also have the Configuration license to use this grant.

Resource Mgmt

Promise Unspecified Resources

Add, assign, modify, and remove promised allocations.

Resource Mgmt

Update Staffing Profile Status

Change the Staffing Profile Status value on the Change Staffing Profile Header page. To use this grant, the user must also have either the Edit Staffing Profiles or Edit All Staffing Profiles grant.

Resource Mgmt

View All Resource Pools

View resource pool information for all resource pools.

Resource Mgmt

View All Resources

View the resource information page for any resource defined in PPM.

Resource Mgmt View All Resource Pools Cost The user can view the cost charts in all the teams
Resource Mgmt View Resource Pool Cost The user can view the cost chart in the associated team of the resource pool where you have the View Cost right.

Resource Mgmt

View All Roles

View all roles defined in PPM.

Resource Mgmt

View All Skills

View all skills defined in PPM.

Resource Mgmt

View All Staffing Profiles

Allows the user to view any staffing profile in the system.

Resource Mgmt

View my personal resource info only

View only the user's own resource information page.

Resource Mgmt

View Only Resources That I Manage as a Direct Manager

View the resource profiles for resources whose direct manager is the current user.

Resource Mgmt

View Only Resources That I Manage in My Resource Pool

View the resource profiles for resources in a resource pool whose resource pool manager or parent resource pool managers is the current user.

Resource Mgmt

View Organization

View the organization model and organization unit detail pages.

Resource Mgmt

View Regional Calendars

View all regional calendars defined in PPM.

Resource Mgmt

View Regions

View all regions defined in PPM.

Resource Mgmt

View Resource Pools

View resource pool information if the user has been granted view access on the Configure Access for Resource Pool page.

Resource Mgmt

View Staffing Profiles

View staffing profile information if the user has been granted view access on the Configure Access for Staffing Profile page.

Server Tools Restart/Shutdown Server from Administration Console Restart or shutdown PPM Server nodes from Administration Console.

Sys Admin

Configure Default Page

Configure the default page.

Sys Admin

Configure Modules

Create, edit, and delete modules on Module Configuration in the PPM Dashboard page. View and set the default dashboard on the Set Default Dashboard in the PPM Dashboard page.

Sys Admin

Distribute Modules

View, publish, and distribute modules, pages and portlets to PPM Dashboards on the Distributing Modules Dashboard page.

Sys Admin

Edit Security Groups

Create, update, and delete security groups in the Security Groups Workbench. The user must also have the Edit Users access grant.

Assigning this access grant allows the user to assign himself to the PPM All Access Grants security group, giving him complete access to PPM. If this complete access is not desired, see Edit Security Groups access grant for information on how to control this access.

Sys Admin

Edit Services Schedules

User can modify any scheduled services in the system.

Sys Admin

Edit Users

Create, update, and delete users in the Users Workbench.

Sys Admin

Manage Translations

User can run the and translation scripts.

Sys Admin

Migrate PPM Objects

Migrate configuration objects (such as workflows and request types) using the Migrators.

Sys Admin

Server Administrator

Log on to the application when the server is started in restricted mode.

Sys Admin

Server Tools: Execute Admin Tools

Stop the PPM Server by using when you enable authentication with the
REMOTE_ADMIN_REQUIRE_AUTH server.conf parameter set to true, send messages through, execute administration reports in the Admin Tools window, and view the SQL Runner window in the Server Tools Workbench.

Let the user access the Administration Console and the server tools.

Sys Admin

Server Tools: Execute SQL Runner

Execute SQL statements in the SQL Runner window and view the Admin Tools window in the Server Tools Workbench.

Also enables the SQL Runner menu in the Administration Console and lets the user run SQL queries from the Administration Console. Without this access grant, the SQL Runner menu is invisible.

Sys Admin

Server Tools: Execute File Browser

Enables the File Browser menu Browse PPM Server files in the Administration Console and lets the user browse and download PPM Server files. Without this access grant, the File Browser menu is invisible.

Sys Admin

Synchronize Meta Layer

Perform reporting meta layer synchronizations using the Report Types Workbench.

Sys Admin

View Security Groups

View security group definitions in the Security Groups Workbench.

Sys Admin

View Server Tools

View the SQL Runner and Admin Tools screens in the Server Tools Workbench.

Sys Admin

View Services Schedules

User can view any scheduled services in the system.

Sys Admin

View Users

View user definitions in the Users Workbench.


Edit Dependent References

Create and edit dependency relationships between entities and their references.


Edit Portlet Definition

Create, edit, and delete portlets in the Portlets Workbench.


Edit All Reports

Use the Reports Workbench to delete any submitted report.


Open Workbench

User can start the PPM Workbench.


Override Document Check Out

Override document check out.


Override Key Fields Segmentation

View all information contained in restricted key fields. Key fields include:

  • Resource and Resource Group fields in Project Management tasks

  • Assigned User, Assigned Group, and Contacts fields in Demand Management requests

  • Assigned User and Assigned Group fields in Deployment Management packages


Ownership Override

Access and edit all configuration entities even if the user is not a member of one of the entity's ownership groups.


Submit Reports

Submit reports in PPM.


View Portlet Definition

View portlet definitions in the Portlets Workbench.

Time Mgmt

Approve Time Sheets

Approve or reject time sheets if the resource is a direct report or if the time sheet has been delegated to the user.

Time Mgmt Lock Time Sheets Lock time sheets when they are not cancelled, frozen, or closed.

Time Mgmt

Close Time Sheets

Close or freeze time sheets if the resource is a direct report or if the time sheet has been delegated to the user.

Time Mgmt

Edit Charge Codes

Create, modify, and delete charge codes in the Charge Codes Workbench.

Time Mgmt

Edit Override Rules

Create, modify, and delete override rules in the Override Rules Workbench.

Time Mgmt

Edit Time Sheet Policies

Create, modify, and delete time sheet policies in the Time Sheet Policy Workbench.

Time Mgmt

Edit Time Sheets

Edit time sheets if the resource is a direct report or if the time sheet has been delegated to the user.

Time Mgmt

Edit Work Allocations

View and edit work allocations. The user can also close or delete allocations the user created.

Time Mgmt

Edit All Work Allocations

View, edit, delete, and close any work allocation.

Time Mgmt

View All Time Sheets (Summary Info Only)

View only summary info for all time sheets.

Time Mgmt

View Charge Codes

View charge code definitions in the Charge Code Workbench.

Time Mgmt

View Override Rules

View override rules in the Override Rules Workbench.

Time Mgmt

View Time Sheet Policies

View time sheet policies.

Time Mgmt

View Time Sheets

View time sheet information for a user.

Time Mgmt

View Work Allocations

View work allocations in Time Management.

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