Manage users in PPM Workbench

This topic provides details on how to manage users in the PPM Workbench.

  • To open the PPM Workbench, you must have the User Administration license and the Open Workbench access grant.
  • To view user list in PPM Workbench, you must have the View Users access grant.

Create and edit a user

You can create a new user and edit the user information.

To create a user:

  1. Log on to PPM.

  2. From the menu bar, select Open > Administration > Open Workbench.

  3. From the shortcut bar of the PPM Workbench, select Sys Admin > Users.

  4. Click New User.

    The User window opens.

  5. In the User window, enter required names for the Username,First Name, and Last Name fields.

    Note: You must specify a unique username for the user in PPM.

  6. Provide information in the optional Email Address,Company, and Phone Number fields.

    • Company. The company for which the user works. The values in this list are set by the CRT - Company validation.

    • Email Address. The user's email address in the format This address is referenced elsewhere in the application.

    • Phone Number. The user's phone number.

  7. In the Authentication section, do the following:

    1. In the Authentication Mode list, select a user authentication method for the new user.

      Possible values are PPM, LDAP, NTLM, and SITEMINDER. If you select PPM, then authentication is performed using the internal user database of PPM. If you select another authentication mode, authentication is performed using the enterprise directory database server.

      For details, see the Open Interface Guide and Reference.

      For information about the AUTHENTICATION_MODE server configuration parameter, see the Installation and Administration Guide.

    2. In the Password field, provide a PPM password for the user.

      This password is encrypted in the user interface and in the database.

    3. If you want the user to create a password during the initial log on to PPM, next to New password on login, leave Yes selected. Otherwise, select No.

    4. (Optional) Provide the date on which a user account is to be activated in Start Date.

    5. (Optional) Provide the date on which a user account expires. You can leave this field empty.

    6. To specify the number of days the password is to remain valid, in the Password Exp. Days field, type the number of days that the user has to change the password.

      After you type a value, the Password Exp. Date field displays the password expiration date. The value in this field is calculated based on the Password Expiration Days value or the Ask New Password On Logon attribute.

  8. If you use NTLM authentication, set the value for Domain in the <PPM_Home>/integration/ntlm/ntlm.conf file.

  9. To assign licenses to the user, see Assign licenses to users.
  10. Click the Security Groups tab, and then link the user to the security groups that provide functional roles and access grants required.

    1. Click New.

    2. In the Security Groups field of the Security Groups window, click the auto-complete button to open the Validate window.

    3. Under Available, in the Security Group column, select one or more security groups to link to the user.

      You can use the Ctrl or Shift key to select multiple groups.

    4. To add these groups to the Selected list, click the right-pointing arrow.

    5. Click OK.

    6. In the Security Groups window, click OK.

      In the User window, the Directly Linked Security Groups field lists the selected security groups, which are now linked to the user.

      A user associated with an organization unit, as defined in the Resource Management functionality, may inherit security group associations. The Security Groups Linked by Organization Association field lists these security groups, if any are indirectly linked to the selected user.

      For more information, see the Resource Management User Guide.

  11. Click the Ownership tab, and then select the users or groups that can edit, copy, or disable this user.

    For information about how to select the users or security groups that can configure a user, see Set ownership for configuration entities .

  12. Each user has associated resource settings such as Title, Direct Manager, and Capacity. To view or edit these resource settings, click Edit Resource.

  13. Click OK.

    The new user can now log on to PPM.

Note: If your organization has many users, you can import user information from other databases into interface tables, and then directly into the PPM database. You can also import users from an LDAP server through the interface tables. For information on how to import users from an LDAP server, see the Open Interface Guide and Reference.

To edit a user:

  1. From the PPM menu bar, select Open > Administration > Open Workbench.

  2. From the shortcut bar of the PPM Workbench, select Sys Admin > Users to open the User Workbench window.

  3. Click List to display all users.

    You can also search for the user by using filters. See Filter users.

  4. Select the user you want to edit and make necessary changes.

    See Create a new user for the fields descriptions.

  5. Click Save.

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Copy a user

You can also create a user by copying an existing user.

To create a user by copying an existing user:

  1. Open the User Workbench.

  2. Click List to display all users.
  3. Select the user you want to copy and click Copy.
  4. In the Copy User window, specify the user name and password for the new user.
  5. Click OK.

    The Question window pops up asking if you want to edit the new user.

    To edit the new user, click Yes to open the User window for the new user. Click No if you do not need to edit it. In both cases, the new user is created with the information described in Data copied from the original user.

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Filter users

You can filter users based on some provided criteria.

To filter users:

  1. Open the User Workbench.

  2. In the Query tab, provide the value for the criteria.
  3. If you want to use the set of criteria for future use, click Save Query and give it a query name.

    To reuse the query the next time, select the query name from the Query field.

  4. Click List.

    The users that meet the criteria are displayed in the List tab.

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Disable a user

After you disable a user, the user cannot log on to PPM, and is not listed in the Search Resource result page.

To disable a user:

  1. Log on to PPM.

  2. From the menu bar, select Open > Administration > Open Workbench.

  3. From the shortcut bar of the PPM Workbench, select Sys Admin > Users.

  1. In the User Workbench window, click List to display all users.
  2. Select the user you want to disable.
  3. Click Disable and then click Yes to confirm.

Alternatively, you can also change the user's end date to a date that is equal to or earlier than the current date.

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See also: