Overview of PPM Web Services

Organizations are facing an increasing need to integrate various systems and applications. Web service technology offers a standardized way of achieving such integration. This guide describes the Web services available for you to use in your Micro Focus Project and Portfolio Management Center (PPM) deployment. Using PPM Web services provides significant benefits over the Open Interface and other types of direct PPM database integration, and helps you efficiently achieve your strategic integration initiatives.

PPM includes Web service support for the following application modules:

  • Project Management. Enables organizations to streamline and standardize the management of project activities using a template-based, collaborative approach.

  • Program Management. Provides a single location from which to initiate, operate, and manage your organization's portfolio of programs and projects.

  • Portfolio Management. Provides a real-time view of your organization and supports your strategic, financial, functional, and technical governance requirements.

  • Resource Management. Enables enterprises to effectively manage resource capacity and allocation.

  • Financial Management. Offers automatic real-time calculations of costs and variances, resulting in detailed comparisons of project health.

  • Time Management. Allows resources (users) to use time sheets to report how long they worked on specific work items.

  • Demand Management. Manages requests from creation to implementation. Each request is processed using a workflow that is represented graphically in the user interface.

Web Services Operations

The supported Web service operations typically include the following categories of services:

  • Create. Used to create an entity.

  • Get. Used to return (read) an entity.

  • Set/Update. Used to revise or remove (update or possibly delete) a field in an entity.

  • Add. Used to add data to an entity.

  • Delete. Used to delete an entity.

  • Search. Used to find a specified detail in an entity.

  • Import/Export. Used to import the data into (or out of) PPM.

Web Service Special Commands

Selected Web service operations have been incorporated in PPM as special commands. These commands are run through the PPM Workbench. Web service operations can also be run from workflows in the PPM Workbench.