Overview of implementing user authentication

PPM uses a framework similar to Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) to integrate with pluggable authentication schemes. Integration of PPM with CA SiteMinder and LDAP is supported. This section provides information on how to integrate PPM with SiteMinder and LDAP, as well as instructions on how to implement either Web remote single sign-on or generic single sign-on (SSO) with PPM.

The sections cover the different types of user authentication methods supported for use with PPM. They provide instructions on how to:

  • Integrate PPM with an LDAP directory server

  • Implement Web remote single sign-on with PPM

  • Implement generic single sign-on with PPM

  • Implement OpenID Connect single sign-on with PPM
  • Implement lightweight single sign-on authentication (LW-SSO)

  • Integrate PPM with SiteMinder

Note: The user experience logging off of a PPM instance depends on the SSO plug-in implemented. If a user logs off (clicks Sign Out) of a PPM Center instance that is integrated with SiteMinder, he is logged out of both PPM and SiteMinder, and does not need to close the browser tab. If a user logs off (clicks Sign Out) of a PPM Center instance that is integrated with a plug-in that does not support log-off, users signing out from PPM Center are directed to close the browser window in order to log off.