Backing Up PPM Instances

Backing up a PPM instance involves backing up both the file system and the database schema. Micro Focus stores all PPM configuration and transaction data in its associated database schema.

Because this information is so important, Micro Focus also recommends that you back up the database schema daily. You can use the Oracle export command to perform the backup, or use the hot backup procedure, which does not require that you shut down the PPM Server. For information about how to export a database schema, see your Oracle database documentation.

We recommend that you back up the <PPM_Home>/logs directory daily. This directory contains transactional history files for each migrated package or request.

Note: Before you make critical changes to PPM, perform a full backup of the database schema and complete <PPM_Home> directory.

It is not necessary to back up registry settings.

Protecting Backups

Because the backups you create may contain sensitive information such as cryptographic keys and payload data, Micro Focus strongly advises that you protect the backups themselves. Oracle Advanced Security provides transparent data encryption of data stored in the database, the encryption of disk-based backups of the database, and network encryption for data traveling across the network between the database and client or mid-tier applications. It also provides a suite of strong authentication services to Oracle Database.

To use Enterprise User Security in Oracle Database Enterprise Edition, you must license Oracle Internet Directory (OID). If you want to use stronger authentication alternatives (such as Kerberos or PKI) for enterprise user security, you must license Oracle Advanced Security and the Oracle Internet Directory (OID). For more information, see the release notes for your Oracle software.