Install PPM with PostgreSQL (Beta)

You can install PPM with a PostgreSQL database.

Note: This feature is introduced at Beta level. It is not field-tested enough. Do not use it in production environment.

Before you install

Before you install PPM with a Postgre SQL database, you must have the following ready:

  • You have installed a PostgreSQL database. For instructions, see the PostgreSQL documentation.

    The PostgreSQL 13.8 and later versions are supported.

    Caution: In a server cluster configuration, each cluster must have its own database. Do not share a PostgreSQL database among clusters. However, you can create multiple databases in one PostgreSQL server.

  • You have installed the latest version of the orafce extension. For instructions, see

  • (Windows systems only) Make sure you have a UNIX emulator (such as Cygwin) installed. For information about the UNIX emulator and how to install it, see

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Install PPM

Follow the steps below to install PPM with a PostgreSQL database:

  1. Obtain the installation bundle for PostgreSQL: ppm_<PPM version> from the Software Licenses and Downloads Portal.

  2. Extract the ppm_<PPM version> package.

    The extraction creates the ppm-<PPM version>-install-pg directory.

  3. Do either of the following to configure the required parameters.

    • Edit parameter values directly in the ppm.env file in the ppm-<PPM version>-install-pg directory.
    • Run the export command to set the value for each parameter. For example,

      export PPM_HOME=<path_to_the_folder_where_your_PPM_system_is_to_be_created>

      Note: The values set by the export command override the values set in the ppm.env file.

    Required parameters

    Parameter Description
    PPM_HOME The folder where your PPM file system is to be installed.
    PGHOST The host of the server where the PostgreSQL database is installed.

    The port of the server where the PostgreSQL database is installed.

    PPM_DB_NAME Name of the PostgreSQL database that PPM uses.
    PG_SYSTEM Superuser username for the PostgreSQL database.
    PG_SYSTEM_PASSWORD Superuser password for the PostgreSQL database.
    PPM_DB_USER User name for the PPM Center database.
    PPM_DB_PASSWORD Password for the PPM Center database.
    LOCAL_IP The IP or hostname of the server where PPM is to be installed.
    HTTP_PORT PPM server HTTP port.
    RMI_PORT PPM server RMI port.
    JMS_PORT PPM server JMS port.
  4. In the ppm-<PPM version>-install-pg directory, run the sh command. You can run this command either in interactive mode or silent mode.

    Run in interactive mode

    Run without any parameter attached and follow the on-screen instructions to provide required information to complete the installation.

    For example, you will be asked to accept the terms of License Agreement, and to select the currency and region.

    Run in silent mode

    Run with specific parameters attached, for example:

    sh -a -H 1 -b USD -r Enterprise

    Parameter(*Required) Description

    -f, or


    Installs the PPM file system only.

    -d, or


    Installs the PPM database only.

    *-a, or


    Accepts the terms of the License Agreement.

    *-H, or


    Sets the holiday schedule on which to base the PPM regional calendar. If no value is provided, the default value 1 (US) is used.

    For information on holiday schedule codes for other countries, see Resource Management.

    -c, or


    Sets the system default regional calendar. If no value is provided, the default value NONE is used. In that case, a new calendar with no holidays is set as the system default regional calendar.

    *-b or


    Sets the system base currency. If no value is provided, the default value USD (US dollars) is used.

    For information on currency codes for other countries, see Financial Management.

    *-r, or


    Sets the region for the installation. If no value is provided, the default value Enterprise is used.

    -t, or


    Installs a trial license. For details about product license types, see Trial license .
  5. (Optional) Configure the server.conf parameters in PPM. For details, see Server configuration parameters.

  6. In the <PPM_Home>/bin directory, run the command to deploy the configurations. For details, see

  7. Install the license file by running the command.

  8. Start the PPM server by running the script.

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Using PPM with a PostgreSQL database has the following limitations:

  • Only the English language is supported.

  • The following modules, special commands, and reports are tested. They can work in most scenarios, but may not be fully stable.

    • Demand Management

    • Project Management

    • Program Management

    • Time Management

    • Portfolio Management

    • Resource Management

    • Financial Management

    • User Administration

    • Dashboard

    Special commands
    • ksc_comment

    • ksc_create_baseline

    • ksc_create_project

    • ksc_run_sql

    • ksc_set

    • ksc_set_staffing_profile_status

    • ksc_take_snapshot

    • ksc_update_program_status

    • ksc_update_project_status

    • ksc_update_workplan_status

    • ksc_create_baseline_staffing_profile

    • Import Users

    • Requested Detail Report

    • Notification History Report

    • Run License Usage Report

    • Delinquent Time Sheets

    Note: Other modules, special commands, and reports that are not listed above are not verified.

  • The following PPM-supplied portlets do not work with PostgreSQL:

    • Portfolio by Category

    • Project Current Cost Metrics

    • Financial Summary to Financial Data Comparison

    • Financial Comparison

    • Operational Report

  • What-if Analysis does not work with PostgreSQL.

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See also: