Setting Up Multilingual Support for Best Practices

Best Practices content is available in all supported languages. For information about Best Practices content and the requirements for installing it, see the Installation and Administration Guide.

To install Best Practices on a PPM MLU instance:

  1. Follow the instructions for installing PPM (see the Installation and Administration Guide).

  2. On the MLU step, select a system language, and the checkboxes for any additional languages to deploy.

  3. Complete the installation.

  4. Start the PPM Server.

  5. To install Best Practices, navigate to the <PPM_Home>\bin directory and run:

    sh ./ -best-practices

  6. Stop the server.

    Note: For information on how to stop and start the PPM Server, see the Installation and Administration Guide.

  7. (Optional) Deploy an additional language:

    sh ./ -lang <LP>

    where <LP> represents the language code.

  8. Start the server.

  9. To import translated Best Practices content for your deployed languages, run the following for each language on the PPM instance:

    sh ./ -username admin -password admin-directory <PPM_Home>/mlu/bestpractices/<LP>

  10. To import translated PPM-provided content for your deployed languages, run the following for each language on the PPM instance:

    sh ./ -username admin -password admin -directory <PPM_Home>/mlu/HPContentTranslations/<LP>

  11. After you complete the language deployment, complete the tasks described in After Language Deployment.