Running Export Script

To run the export script:

  1. On the PPM Server, navigate to the directory that contains the script:

    cd <PPM_Home>/bin

    where <PPM_Home> represents the path where your PPM Center instance is installed.

  1. Run the following script:

    sh ./ -username <user name>

     -password <password> [options]

    where the options are as described in the following table.

    Note: If you specify valid values for -username and -password but you do not specify any options, the script exports all translatable attributes in PPM in their respective definition languages to the default directory, using the default root filename.



    -entityId <entity ID>

    The identifier of the single type of entity for which attributes are to be exported. See Table 6-1. Entity types and their children and entityId values for valid values.

    For example, to export attributes of all request types, specify:

    -entityId 19

    You cannot specify multiple values.

    -referenceCode <reference code>

    The reference code of the particular entity for which attributes are to be exported. Not all entities have reference codes. Entity reference codes that can be seen in the PPM Workbench are indicated inTable 6-1. Entity types and their children and entityId values.

    The -entityId option must be specified.

    For example, to export attributes of the PFM - Asset request type, specify:

    -entityId 19 -referenceCode     


    Multiple values separated by commas can be specified.

    If neither the -referenceCode option nor the -primaryKey option is specified, attributes of the entity type specified for the -entityId option are exported.

    -primaryKey <primary key>

    The primary key of the particular entity for which attributes are to be exported. Primary keys are part of the database and cannot be seen by most users, but, if known, this option is used under limited circumstances as an alternative to specifying the -referenceCode option.

    The -entityId option must be specified.

    Multiple values separated by commas can be specified.

    This option is ignored if the -referenceCode option is also specified. If neither the -referenceCode option nor the -primaryKey option is specified, the attributes of the entity type specified for the -entityId option are exported.

    -includeChildren <Y|N>

    Whether to also include attributes of child entities in the exported files.

    If unspecified, the default is Y, which includes attributes of the children. Set this option according to your company's translation management process.

    For information about parents and their children among entity types, see Values of -entityId and Children of Each Entity Type.

    -filenameRoot <filename>

    Root filename (left-most part of the filename) to be given to the .zip file that the script generates.

    "_" and a two-character language code that conforms to ISO standard 639-1, as in _en for English, is appended. In addition, "_" and a two-character country code that conforms to ISO standard 3166-1 can be appended to the language code, as in _pt_BR for Brazilian Portuguese.

    If unspecified, the root filename is attributes, so the file the script generates for English, for example, is named


    Exports translation files only, to the directory specified in the -directory option.

    If unspecified, the default is to export attribute definitions only, and not translation files.

    The -includeChildren option determines whether the attributes of the entities' children are also exported; the default is Y. Set the option according to your company's translation management process.

    -directory <directory>

    Directory to which the .zip files generated by the script are to be exported.

    If unspecified, the default is<PPM_Home>/mlu/definitions for entity attributes to be exported, and <PPM_Home>/mlu/translations for translations to be exported.

    The export script generates .zip files, one per language, having the name <filenameRoot>_<language>.zip, where <language> is a two-character language code that identifies the language of the attributes it contains. A two-character country code might also be appended to the filename. The .zip files contain .properties files as described in Exporting Entity Attributes or Existing Translations.

    For example, after substituting valid values for the username and password, you might run the script as follows to export attributes for request types (entityId 19) that are defined in English to the <PPM_Home>/mlu/definitions/ file:

    sh ./ -username admin -password pw      -entityId 19 -filenameRoot FromPPM

    If all the request types are defined in the same language—for example, English, German, or Korean—the exported .properties files will be contained in a .zip file named as shown in the following table:

    Definition Language Example Filename of Exported Files

    Log files are saved as described on screen.

    For an example of the content of an unzipped .properties file, see Example of an Exported, Unzipped Properties File.

Values of -entityId and Children of Each Entity Type

When you run the export script, you can specify the -entityId option for one particular entity type for which you want to export attributes. The entity types are listed in Table 6-1. Entity types and their children and entityId values. If you run the export script with no -username, -password, or options, that is, if you run sh ./, the same set of entity types and entityId values as shown in Table 6-1. Entity types and their children and entityId values are listed on screen.

Some entities include additional "child" entities in their logical models, as shown inTable 6-1. Entity types and their children and entityId values. For example, a request type includes all of the child request header types, request statuses, and validations used by the request type fields. By default, the export script exports the attributes (or translations) of all child entities along with the attributes (or translations) of their parent entity. If you need to exclude the child entities from the exported files, specify -includeChildren N in the script command.

Table 6-1. Entity types and their children and entityId values

Entity Type

Children of Entity Type

entityId Value to Use for the Export Script




Business Objectives



Charge Codes



Data Sources a



Decisions a



Executions a






Portlet Definitions






Report Types a



Request Header Types a



Request Statuses a



Request Types a

Request Header Types

Request Statuses






Scoring Criteria b



Security Groups a






User Data



Validations a



Workflows a



    a.    This entity has a reference code that can be seen in the PPM Workbench.

    b.    All scoring criteria can be exported but individual scoring criteria must not be exported.