PPM Workbench Requirements
Access to the PPM Workbench requires an appropriate version of the Oracle Java plug-in installed.
Supported versions include:
Java 8 Update 191 or later update (32-bit and 64-bit) for IE on Windows
OpenJDK 8 Update 191 or later update (32bit and 64bit) on Windows
The desktop application "Workbench App" is required if you want to access PPM Workbench using OpenJDK.
Install Workbench App
1. Select Open > Administration > Workbench > Open workbench App.
2. In this page, click the download link and save the Workbench bundle to computer.
3. Unzip the downloaded zip file.
4. Double click install.bat to register Workbench.
Open Workbench App
To open workbench application from the installation folder:
1. Open the workbench folder of the unzipped workbench bundle.
2. Double click Startup.bat.
3. Enter the PPM URL and user credential information.
To open workbench application from the PPM web page:
1. Select Open > Administration > Workbench > Open workbench App.
2. Accept the browser's prompt to open Workbench smoothly next time.
Note: If SSO is enabled, exclude the Workbench URL from SSO’s protection.
http://<PPM _Base_URL>/itg/wbservices
User machines that access the PPM Workbench require 40 MB of disk space more than is required by the browser. This space is required to store client-side Java files.