Change your settings

You can use the Edit My Profile page to change your personal information and adjust interface settings to fit your preferences.

To change your settings:

  1. Log on to PPM.
  2. From the menu bar, select Open > Administration > Edit My Profile.
  3. In the General tab, use the sections descried below to change your personal information and adjust interface settings.

    Section Description
    Change Password Enables you to change your password.
    Change Personally Identifiable Information Enables you to set your email address and phone number.
    Dismissible Message Dialogs

    Enables you to re-display warning messages.

    As you use PPM, you may encounter warning messages that you can select not view again. If you want to re-display these warning messages, select the Bring back all warning messages check box.

    Project Work Plan Preferences Enables you to set the number of tasks that can be displayed in your work plan at one time. For details, see Work Plan Page Size Controls.
    Dashboard Cost Display Enables you to set your personal currency display. For details, see Set your personal currency display.