Log on and off PPM

This section describes how to log on and off PPM.

Log on to PPM

The standard interface is a set of PPM Web pages that you can access through a Web browser over a network. Before logging on, you must have the following:

  • PPM Web address (URL)

  • Username

  • Password

  • At least one PPM product license

    Note: For information about customizing the display of the PPM Web pages, see the Customizing the Standard Interface guide.

To log on to the PPM:

  1. From the Web browser, enter the PPM Web address.

    The PPM Logon page opens.

    Note: Your screen resolution should be at least 1024 x 768 when you use PPM.

  2. Enter your username, password, and session language in the appropriate fields.

    If you want the server to retain a password, select the Remember me check box. Once this check box is selected, you do not have to enter a password each time you log on.

    For more information about session languages, refer to the Multilingual User Interface Guide.

  3. On the PPM Logon page, click Sign-In.

    The Web pages open. First-time users might be prompted for a new password.

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Log off PPM

To log off PPM, in the upper-right corner of the page, click the resource icon > Sign Out.

Figure 2-1. Logging off PPM

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