Overview of process and manage requests

After a new request is submitted in Demand Management, it can be processed and managed. Processing refers to updating requests and moving them through their assigned workflow steps. Managing refers to performing such actions as printing or purging requests.

To locate requests that require attention, do one of the following:

  • View Portlets. Personalize Demand Management request portlets to display only the requests that are assigned specifically to you.

  • Perform Searches. Use the Search Requests page.

  • Receive Notifications. Demand Management can generate notifications from a request type or from a workflow. As a request proceeds through its workflow steps, email can be sent to notify you of pending actions. The notification might include a link that you can click to open the referenced request.

    If you are logged on to PPM, the referenced request opens. If you are not logged on, the Logon page opens. After you log on, the referenced request opens.

    You can configure request types to send email notifications after:

    • A request reaches a specific workflow step

    • A specific field changes value