Perform basic request edit

After submitting a request, you can act on the request or edit the request's information.

To perform a request edit:

  1. Open a request to edit.

    The toolbar contains buttons for the actions that you have permission to perform.

    Note: If an immediate execution workflow step is set as the first step of a workflow, there is no indicator to suggest that the execution is in progress or completed. We recommend that after you submit a request using this workflow, wait until the step completes the execution. If you open the request and find that it is not updated, refresh or reopen the request details page after the step completes the execution.

  2. To act on the request, from the toolbar, click a button.

    Note: The number of workflow steps displayed on the toolbar depends on your screen resolution. To see more workflow steps, you can:

    • From the Control Panel, select a higher screen resolution

    • Maximize your browser

    • Press ctrl and - to zoom out your browser

    Some actions, such as Accept and Reject, move the request to the next step in the workflow and require no additional input. Other actions, such as Assign Resource or Delegate Decision, require that you provide additional information.

    If the action you are taking on the request requires that you provide more information, a request "look-ahead" page opens. To complete the action, provide information in the required fields, which are marked with a red asterisk.

    Note: If you cannot provide all of the information immediately, click Save on the look-ahead page to save the information you have provided thus far.

    Some actions change the status of a field. For example, a disabled field can become enabled or required (marked with a red asterisk). Check the header and details sections for newly enabled or required fields.

    A request can have a reference relationship that places it on hold until another request (or other referenced entity) is completed. If the request has such a reference relationship, the available actions contains the Override button. To override the referenced relationship and allow the request to continue through the workflow, click Override.

    A request can have UI rules that make some request fields invisible. If all the fields in a request section are made invisible by UI rules, you can hide this section by setting the HIDE_SECTION_WHEN_ITS_FIELDS_ARE_HIDDEN_BY_UI_RULES to true.

  3. In the header section, complete the fields, as required.

    The header section includes general information about the request. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk. All other fields are optional. For information about a specific field, click the Help icon (if available) next to the field.

    If necessary, you can change the request type. For example, you can change a bug request to an enhancement request.

    Changing the request type can involve changing the fields associated with the request. To reduce data entry if the request type is changed, Demand Management maps the fields from the original request type to the fields for the new request type. New fields contain no values. To change the request type, next to the Request Type field, click Change.

    Note: Changing the request type on a request restarts the request process. In other words, the process starts again at the first step of the assigned workflow. The request retains any notes and common fields.

  4. In the details section, complete the fields, as required.

    The details section includes specific information about the request. It can contain one, several, or no subsections. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk. To view more information about a specific field, click the Help icon (if available) next to the field.

  5. In the Notes section, type additional information about the request that you want to record.

    The Notes section contains fields in which you can type notes about the request that you want to keep. To add a note, in the Add Note section, type the data. After you save the request, the note is added.

    View existing notes in the Existing Notes section. Existing notes are listed in chronological order, with the most recent note at the top. To filter the notes for display, do one or more of the following:

    • To display only the notes that users have entered, select the Show Only User Notes checkbox.

    • To display notes that a specific user added, from the Note Author list, select the user name.

    • To display only notes related to a changed value in a specific field, from the Changed Fields list, select the field name.

  6. In the Status section, review the request status.

    The Status section lists all of the workflow steps and the status of each. The current workflow step is highlighted.

    In addition to the list of workflow steps, the Status section includes the following links:

    • Graphical View. Displays the workflow associated with the request.

    • Approval Details. Displays a detailed view of approved and completed workflow steps.

    • Transaction Details. Displays detailed information about each completed workflow step transaction.

    If the workflow step is an execution workflow step, it may be linked to a request execution log. To view the request execution log for a particular workflow step, in the Step Status column, click log.

  7. Use the References section to add references to the request.

    You can view existing references in subsections of the References section. Existing references are grouped by entity type. For example, referenced requests are listed in the Requests section.

    To change the relationship of an existing reference, from the Relationship list, select a different relationship. To delete a reference, click the Delete icon to the left of the reference name.

    In some cases, you might want to reference a Web-accessible file or a document or file from a local machine to the request. You can also add other entities such as packages, tasks, or other requests as request references. For information about how to add references, see Add references to requests.

  8. Click Save.

Note: As you navigate pages in the PPM Dashboard, the pages you have viewed are tracked. You can see links to these pages at the top of the PPM Dashboard. To return to a previous page, click the corresponding link at the top of the page.