Configure Access for Financial Summary

In financial summaries, access to view and edit costs and benefits and the approved budget, and to specify which financial summary snapshot is the Plan of Record are controlled by access grants as described in the Access Grants for Financial Summaries and Financial Data Tables and by access rights on the Configure Access for Financial Summary page.

This section describes how to use the Configure Access for Financial Summary page to control who can view and edit a financial summary.

Note: Access to the financial summary of a proposal does not guarantee access to the financial summary of the project that the proposal becomes. Access to the financial summary of a project does not guarantee access to the financial summary of the asset that the project becomes.

How access grants work with access rights in financial summaries

The following table lists what users with an access right can do in a financial summary and what access grant is required for that access right to work.

Access Right


View Costs

Not applicable to org unit financial summaries.

Allows the user to view forecast and actual costs and Notes in the Cost Details section in the financial summary, and view the costs in its snapshots.

The user must also have the View Costs on Financial Summary access grant or the Edit Actuals on Financial Summary access grant.

Note: The user does not need this access right if the user has the View Costs on All Financial Summaries access grant, the Edit Actuals on All Financial Summaries access grant, or the Edit Forecasts on All Financial Summaries access grant.

Edit Costs

Not applicable to org unit financial summaries.

Allows the user to do the following:

  • Edit forecast and actual costs (add, update, and delete cost lines) in the Cost Details section of the financial summary.

  • Add Notes to the Cost Details section.

  • Take and view snapshots of the financial summary.

  • Edit the Name and Description fields in the Statistics section of the financial summary.

  • Edit the financial summary settings.

The user must also have the Edit Actuals on Financial Summary access grant.

Note: The user does not need this access right if the user hasthe Edit Actuals on All Financial Summaries access grant or the Edit Forecasts on All Financial Summaries access grant.

Edit Locked Forecast and Actual Costs

Not applicable to org unit financial summaries.

Allows users to edit forecast and actual costs of the past months that is locked.

The user must also have the Edit Costs access right and the Edit Locked Forecast and Actual Costs in Certain Financial Summaries access grant.

Note: The user does not need this access right if the user has the Edit Locked Forecast and Actual Costs in All Financial Summaries access grant.

View Benefits

Not applicable to org unit financial summaries.

Allows the user to view forecast and actual benefits and Notes in the Benefit Details section in the financial summary, and view the benefits in snapshots.

The user must also have the following:

  • View Costs on Financial Summary access grant or Edit Actuals on Financial Summary access grant.

  • View Financial Benefits access grant or Edit Financial Benefits access grant.

  • Access to view the financial summary's costs (see the View Costs access right at the beginning of this table).

Note: The user does not need this access right if the user has the View All Financial Benefits access grant or the Edit All Financial Benefits access grant.

Edit Benefits

Not applicable to org unit financial summaries.

Allows the user to do the following:

  • Edit benefits (add, update, and delete benefit lines) in the Benefit Details section of the financial summary.

  • Add notes to the Benefit Details section.

  • Take and view snapshots of the financial summary.

The user must also have the following:

  • Edit Financial Benefits access grant.

  • Access to view the financial summary's costs (see the View Costs access right at the beginning of this table).

  • Access to view the financial summary's benefits (see the View Benefits access right in this table).

Note: The user does not need this access right if the user has the Edit All Financial Benefits access grant.

Edit Approved Budget

Allows the user to add entries to the approved budget of the financial summary.

The user must also have the following:

  • Edit Approved Budget access grant.

  • Access to view the financial summary's costs (see the View Costs access right at the beginning of this table).

Note: The user does not need this access right if the user has the Edit Approved Budget on All Financial Summaries access grant.

View Approved Budget

Applicable to org unit financial summaries only.

Allows the user to view the approved budget and audit trail entries on the financial summary.

The user must also have the View Costs on Financial Summary access grant or the Edit Actuals on Financial Summary access grant.

Note: The user does not need this access right if the user has the View Costs on All Financial Summaries access grant or the Edit Actuals on All Financial Summaries access grant.

Set Plan of Record

Not applicable to org unit financial summaries.

Allows the user to specify a snapshot in the list of financial summary snapshots as the Plan of Record.

The user must also have the following:

  • Set a Financial Summary Snapshot as the Plan of Record access grant.

  • Access to view the financial summary's costs (see the View Costs access right at the beginning of this table).

Edit Security

Allows the user to do the following:

  • Add and delete users and security groups on the Configure Access for Financial Summary page.

  • Change access rights to the financial summary for users and security groups.

The user must also have the Edit Cost Security access grant.

Note: The user does not need this access right if the user has the Edit Cost Security on All Financial Summaries access grant.

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Add users or security groups that can view/edit financial summary

Use the Configure Access for Financial Summary page to add users or security groups that can view or edit a financial summary.

  1. Click More > Configure Access in the top-right corner of the financial summary.

  2. To add a user, click Add User and assign access rights to the user as needed.

    To add a security group, click Add Security Group and assign access rights to the group as needed.

    To delete a user or a security group, click the Delete icon to the left of its name.

    For details of each access right, see How access grants work with access rights in financial summaries.

  3. Click Save or Done to save your changes.