Program Overview Layout policy

This topic describes how to set the Program Overview Layout policy for a program type.


The Program Overview Layout policy controls:

  • Which tab is displayed by default when viewing the program.
  • Whether to show Cost or Business Objective information on the program header.
  • The program dashboard settings.

Note: When copying a program type, its program overview layout settings are not copied.

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UI elements

This section describes the UI elements available in the Program Overview Layout policy.

Note: The UI elements may vary between versions.



Default Tab for display

Select the tab that you want to display by default when opening the program.

Program Indicators Settings
Show Cost Indicator on Program Overview Whether to show or hide cost indicators on the program header.
Show Business Objectives Indicator on Program Overview

Whether to show or hide business objectives indicator on the program header.

This option is available only when the use of business objectives is enabled by setting the ENABLE_BUSINESS_OBJ parameter to true.

Title Settings
Use Program Type Name as Title on Program Overview Page

If you select the option, the program title will show as <Program_type_name>: <Program_name> in the program overview page.

Otherwise, the program title is shown as Program: <Program_name>.

Program Dashboard Settings

The Program Dashboard Settings section is available after you create the program type.

Display program dashboard on the top of Program Overview Page

Select this option to if you want to display the program dashboard on the top of the Program Overview page, above the Contents section.

Otherwise, the program dashboard is displayed at the bottom of the Program Overview page, below the Business Objective section.

Configure Layout

Opens the Configure Layout window, enabling you to configure the program dashboard settings.

Add Portlets

Opens the Add Portlets window, enabling you to select the portlets you want to add. Only portlets of the Program Overview category can be selected.

  • To adjust the portlet size, drag the portlet border.

  • To rearrange the layout of a portlet, drag and drop the portlet to the traget place.
Restore to Default

Available in program settings only.

Click the Restore to Default button, the program will use the default dashboard settings inherited from the program type.

Opens the Edit Preferences page of a portlet, enabling you to edit the preferences for the portlet.

Removes a portlet.

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