Setting a Synchronization Mode for Project Management and Microsoft Project

Control of projects that have been created in one application and opened in the other can be subsequently shared between Microsoft Project and Project Management using one of three modes defined by Project Management. These control modes are established on the Project Management side, in the Microsoft Project Integration policy in the project settings. See Project-Level Settings for Integration for details on its settings.

  • Project Management-controlled. Selecting PPM > Update associated work plan in Microsoft Project completely refreshes the plan information in Microsoft Project with the work plan from Project Management.

  • Microsoft Project-controlled. Selecting PPM > Update associated work plan in Microsoft Project completely refreshes the plan information in Project Management with the work plan from Microsoft Project. Any additional edits made in Project Management are retained (see Conditional Editing Allowed in Project Management for details). If the Microsoft Project work plan includes resources that cannot be mapped to resources in PPM, you will be asked to map these resources. See Planned Informationfor more details.

    By default, whenever you send a Microsoft Project file to Project Management, a backup copy of the .mpp file is automatically saved to the same directory in which the original file is stored, with the extension .bak.

    If you originally created the work plan in Project Management using a work plan template, tasks marked as required by the template cannot be deleted in Microsoft Project.

  • Shared control. Selecting PPM > Update associated work plan in Microsoft Project allows you to choose between the following options:

    • Sending updated schedule information from Microsoft Project to       Project Management. If this option is chosen, the integration refreshes the work plan schedule information in the associated work plan in Project Management based on the data in Microsoft Project. Any additional edits made in Project Management are retained (see Conditional Editing Allowed in Project Management for details). For more details on updating work plan information, see Sending Work Plan (Planned) Information from Microsoft Project to Project Management (Shared Control Mode). If the Microsoft Project work plan includes resources that cannot be mapped to resources in PPM, you will be asked to map these resources. See Planned Informationfor more details.

      By default, whenever you send a Microsoft Project file to Project Management, a backup copy of the .mpp file is automatically saved to the same directory in which the original file is stored, with the extension .bak.

      If you originally created the work plan in Project Management using a work plan template, tasks marked as required by the template cannot be deleted in Microsoft Project. Tasks that have actuals logged against them in Project Management cannot be removed from the Microsoft Project file. You must first remove the actuals if you intend to remove the tasks.

    • Retrieving actuals information from Project Management based on the settings described in Project-Level Settings for Integration. If this option is chosen, the integration retrieves actuals data from Project Management for your review and optional application. For more details on obtaining actuals from Project Management, see Retrieving Actuals from Project Management (Shared Control Mode).