Setting Up a Regional Calendar

A regional calendar sets the default working and nonworking days for an organization unit, resource, or project. Individual resources' work schedules can be set using individual resource calendars.

To set up a regional calendar:

  1. Log on to PPM.

  2. Select Search > Administrative > Regional Calendars from the menu bar.

    The Manage Regional Calendars page opens.

    You can expand or narrow down the list of regional calendars by providing search criteria into the filter fields and clicking Search.

  3. Click the name of the regional calendar you wish to modify.

    The Modify Regional Calendar <Name> page opens.

  4. Select a day or range of days by using Shift + click or Ctrl + click.

  5. Click the Non-Working day option to mark those days as non-working.

    Optionally, select a Reason and type a Description.

  6. Click Save.

    The regional calendar is set. Non-working days will appear as non-working days for resources and organization units using the regional calendar.

Specifying System Default Regional Calendar

The System Default Regional Calendar is used for the scheduling of request work items. All other entities must select a region or inherit one, and thus use the regional calendar set for that region.

There can be only one System Default Regional Calendar, which is set during installation or upgrade of the PPM. This setting can be changed if needed.

To set the System Default Regional Calendar:

  1. Log on to PPM.

  2. Select Open > Administration > Regions > Set System Default Regional Calendar from the menu bar.

    The Set System Default Regional Calendar page opens, displaying all enabled regional calendars. The current System Default Regional Calendar is selected.

  3. Select the desired regional calendar and click Done.

Setting Up Regions

Besides setting regional calendars for resources, regions also govern currency display settings. For details on creating and modifying regions, see the Financial Management User’s Guide.