Disable and enable resource pools

A resource pool can be disabled, preventing it from being used. If a resource pool is not being used or is not actively managed, disabling it prevents it from being mistakenly assigned to or from a staffing profile.

When a resource pool is disabled, you may forward or reject any outstanding resource requests. If the selected resource pool is a default resource pool, you may replace or remove it. Existing capacity and current allocations remain active (they must be manually managed) and continue to be part of resource load and capacity calculations.

To disable a resource pool:

  1. Open a resource pool.

  2. Click More > Disable Resource Pool.

  3. Select to forward or reject all outstanding resource requests. If you forward all outstanding resource requests, select the resource pool to which to forward the requests.

  4. If the resource pool is configured as a default resource pool for a staffing profile, project, or project type, additional fields display. You can select to replace the default resource pool with a new default resource pool or you can remove it from being the default resource pool (the staffing profile, project, or project type no longer has a default resource pool).

  5. Click Disable. The Status field of the resource pool changes to Disabled.

To enable a resource pool:

  1. Open a resource pool.

  2. Click More > Enable Resource Pool. The Status field of the resource pool changes to Enabled.