Collect resource requests

As a resource manager, you can see resource requests from positions in any of the following locations:

  • Resource Pool page. This page lists:

    • Requested positions
    • Soft booked positions
    • Partially assigned positions

    You can check the option Hide past not-fulfilled resource requests to only show resource requests from positions whose demand end dates are later than (and including) the current date.

    Note: When you first open the page, the check box status (selected or cleared) depends on the value of the parameter CHECK_HIDE_PAST_NOT_FULFILLED_REQUESTS, set by your PPM administrator.

    PPM remembers the check box status per resource pool and per user.

  • Resource Allocation Management page. This page lists:

    • Fulfilled positions
    • Requested positions
    • Partially assigned positions
    • Soft booked positions
  • Resource Request portlet

    The portlet lists any positions that meet the portlet filters, except fulfilled positions whose Total Unmet Hours is zero.

    Note: New positions, positions that did not send resource requests, can also be shown in the portlet.