Step 3: Prioritize contents within a scenario

You organization relies on a prioritized contents list to allocate limited budget and resources. The most important content is on the top of the list. Less important contents are ranked lower. Prioritizing the contents within a scenario may include:

  • Moving contents in or out of the scenario.

  • Assigning ranks to moved-in contents.

What to consider before prioritizing

What to consider Description
The strategic theme or business objective each content aims at

See Strategic planning

The financial metrics, such as projected cost, projected benefit, and NPV of each content

Such financial data provide insight on demand versus capacity, and whether a content is worth investing.

What-if Analysis provides quick access to the financial metrics in the Contents tab of a scenario. To display the financial metrics you concern about in the Contents tab:

  1. Right-click any column in the Contents tab.
  2. Hover your mouse over Column, and select desired ones to show.
Dependencies between contents

If a content is to be invested, its predecessor content is supposed to be invested too.

Move a content in or out of a scenario

If you do not plan to start or continue a content, you move the content out of the scenario. The budget and resources supply would not be allocated to it. What-if analysis automatically moves out contents that are cancelled or completed.

To move a content out of a scenario:

  1. In any tab of the scenario details page, click the Move out icon (the blue check mark) in the first column of the content line.

    Moved-out contents are listed in the lower part of the table.

  2. Click Save.

To move a content back into a scenario:

  1. In any tab of the scenario details page, lower part of the table, click the Move in icon (the gray check mark).

    Moved-in contents are listed in the upper part of the table.

  2. Click Save.

Assign priorities to moved-in contents

Contents in the scenario details page are by default listed in the alphabetical order of content names. To adjust the rank of a moved-in content:

  1. In any tab of the scenario details page, click the Rank column to give the contents default rankings.

    If you then move a content back into the scenario, the content is assigned the lowest rank.

  2. Click and drag the content to the desired location in the list. Its rank is updated.

Next steps: