Overview of Rules for the Suggested Items List

To help users add appropriate items to their time sheets, Time Management automatically generates the Suggested Items list and presents it to the user on the Suggested Items tab. (Also for convenience, each user can build a personal list of work items on the adjacent My Items tab. Each user completely controls its contents.)

Default rules populate the Suggested Items list with the following work items:

  • Each work item of any type that meets both of the following conditions:

    • It is on the user's most recently submitted time sheet for a previous time period.

    • It is available to the user to log time against (because it is not closed).

  • Each project that meets both of the following conditions:

    • It contains tasks that are assigned to the user.

    • It uses Time Management to track time at the project level. For more information, see the Time Management Configuration Guide.

  • Each summary task that meets both of the following conditions:

    • It contains tasks that are assigned to the user.

    • It is in a project that uses Time Management to track time at a specified summary task level. For more information, see Time Management Configuration Guide.

  • Each task that meets all of the following conditions:

    • It is assigned to the user.

    • It is in a project that uses Time Management to track time at the task level. For more information, see Time Management Configuration Guide.

  • It can have time logged against it during this time sheet's time period (because its status is Ready and it has a scheduled start-to-finish date range that overlaps at least part of the time sheet's time period, or Each request that meets either of the following conditions and is of a type that uses listed resources to report time in Time Management:

    • It was assigned to the user to work on during the time period of the time sheet the user is completing.

    • It allows all listed resources to log time and its resource list includes the user. For more information, see the Demand Management Configuration Guide.because its status is In Progress).

Note that the Suggested Items list is specific to the resource and the time period.

You can create custom rules to control what appears in the Suggested Items list. See Configuring Custom Rules for the Suggested Items List. These rules apply to all users. We strongly recommend that you keep the SQL efficient and the Suggested Items list short.

Note: Modifications to the rules for generating the Suggested Items list should be made with the help of Software Support. Changing the rules requires strong knowledge of SQL and updating the server file system requires privileges you might not have.

You cannot directly modify Micro Focus-supplied rules, however you can do the following:

  • Disable Micro Focus-supplied rules

  • Create new custom rules, either from scratch or by copying an existing rule as a starting point and revising it

You are responsible for modifying custom rules as may be necessary if Time Management is patched or upgraded with new Micro Focus-supplied rules.

The rules for the Suggested Items list are driven by flat text files that are read on server startup. A PPM Server restart is required after changes, deletions, or additions to the rules are made.