Configuring Custom Rules for the Suggested Items List

Files related to the Suggested Items list are located in the <PPM_Home>/conf/quicklist directory, which contains the following:

  • core_derivations subdirectory, which contains the Micro Focus-supplied rules

  • custom_derivations subdirectory, where you must save all custom rules

  • Master file named QuickListMaster.xml, which identifies all the Micro Focus-supplied and custom rules and indicates which ones are enabled

Each Micro Focus-supplied rule or custom rule for the Suggested Items list is specified as an XML definition file with tags and SQL query information (see Rule Definitions).

To create a custom rule:

  1. Copy and rename an existing Micro Focus-supplied rule from the core_derivations directory or an existing custom rule from the custom_derivations directory.

    Alternatively, create the new rule from scratch as an XML file.

  2. Write the new rule. See Rule Definitions.

  3. Save the new custom rule in the custom_derivations directory.

  4. Revise the QuickListMaster.xml master file in the quicklist directory as follows (see QuickListMaster.xml File):

    1. If appropriate, disable the Micro Focus-supplied rule (found in the core_derivations directory) that your custom rule will replace.

    2. Add and enable your custom rule (found in the custom_derivations directory).

  5. Translate the values of Description and/or Reason for the new rule as needed. See Translating Descriptions and Reasons in Custom Rule Definition Files.

  6. Restart the PPM Server