QuickListMaster.xml File

The QuickListMaster.xml file includes the following set of tags for each rule:

  • Name. Case-sensitive code-style name (that is, one with no spaces or special characters) that uniquely identifies the rule. The name is used throughout all the files to link information together, and it must be consistent with the <name> value in the rule definition.

  • Enabled flag. Flag to indicate whether or not the rule should be used. You must change this flag on any Micro Focus-supplied rule that is to be replaced by a custom rule. Allowed values are N and Y.

  • File path. Path to the file that defines the rule, relative to the quicklist directory. This path is as follows:

    • core_derivations/<file name.xml> for Micro Focus-supplied rules

    • custom_derivations/<file name.xml> for custom rules.

    Micro Focusrecommends making the values of <file name.xml> unique for each rule across the core_derivations and custom_derivations directories.

Following is a sample QuickListMaster.xml file:

<quicklist> <derivation> <name>tasks_assigned_to_me</name> <enabled>Y</enabled> <file>core_derivations/tasks_assigned_derivation.xml</file> </derivation> <derivation> <name>work_items_on_last_time_sheet</name> <enabled>Y</enabled> <file>core_derivations/work_items_on_last_time_sheet.xml</file> </derivation> <derivation> <name>requests_available_to_you</name> <enabled>Y</enabled> <file>core_derivations/request_resources_assignees_derivation.xml</file> </derivation> <derivation> <name>my_tasks</name> <enabled>Y</enabled> <file>custom_derivations/MyTasksRule.xml</file> </derivation> </quicklist>

After you complete the new rule and the revision of the QuickListMaster.xml file, the application can apply the new rule.

For more information about adding or revising rules, see Configuring Custom Rules for the Suggested Items List.