Language Deployment

This section includes the following parts:

Language Deployment in PPM Center

As an administrator, you can add languages to a PPM instance during initial product installation, during a product upgrade, or on an as-needed basis after the product is installed. The following sections describe how to deploy languages on your system.

Note: Regardless of the system language and additional languages deployed, English is automatically deployed on a PPM instance.

Language Deployment During Installation

The Installation and Administration Guide provides the complete instructions on how to install PPM. This section focuses only on the installation steps that are specific to the MLU.

Caution: Before you deploy languages during an installation, make sure that you have correctly set the NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS parameter, as described in the Installation and Administration Guide.

To deploy languages during PPM installation:

  1. Follow the instructions provided in the Installation and Administration Guide to start the installer wizard.

  2. After you start the PPM installation, the installer wizard prompts you to select the language that you want it to use.

    Note: The language you select here is only used by the installer wizard. It is not the system language, which you select later in the installation process.

    Also, regardless of the installation language you select, server configuration parameters are displayed in English on the configuration step pages of the install wizard.

    The installer displays its steps in the language you selected as it guides you through the installation process.

    On the MLU step of the wizard, you can select the system language for the PPM installation and any additional languages you want to deploy on the instance.

  3. From the Select the system language list, leave the default (English), or select a different language.

  4. Select the checkboxes that correspond to all of the languages you want to deploy in addition to the system language.

  5. Note: If you do not select additional languages to deploy during installation, you can add them later by downloading the language packs that you need, and then running the script. For instructions, see Deploy languages using and server clustering.

  6. Complete the installation as instructed in the Installation and Administration Guide.

    Tip: If the deployment fails on IBM AIX by prompting an error message that contains any of the following entries:

    • INIT: Paging space is low

    • ksh: cannot fork no swap space

    • Not enough memory

    • Fork function failed

    • fork () system call failed

    • Unable to fork, too many processes

    • Fork failure - not enough memory available

    • Fork function not allowed. Not enough memory available.

    • Cannot fork: Not enough space

    • SIGKILL(process killed)

    • Make sure that there is enough paging space available on IBM AIX (wait until the system releases more paging space or extends current paging space size) and deploy again.

  7. Complete any tasks you need to perform after language deployment. For descriptions of these tasks, and instructions on how to perform them, see After Language Deployment.

  8. To import the default translations for the basic configurations that Micro Focus provides in your new PPM installation, run the following command for each language deployed on your PPM instance:

    sh. / -username admin -password admin -directory <PPM_Home>/mlu/HPContentTranslations/<LP>

    where <LP> represents the code for a supported language.

    Tip: To make this process easier, you may do the follows:

    1. Copy the content (zip archives) from each Language Pack to the <PPM_Home>/mlu/translations folder.

    2. Run the following command:

      sh ./ -username admin -password admin

      This command automatically imports all files from translations folder to PPM Server.

    Note: To use the script, you must have the Sys Admin: Manage Translations access grant.

  9. After you set up your fiscal time periods for PPM Center, you must add translations for the fiscal time period names in all supported languages. For details, see Translating Fiscal Month Names. For information about how to install fiscal time periods, see the document Generating Fiscal Periods.

  10. Deploy the default translations for Best Practices. For instructions, see Setting Up Multilingual Support for Best Practices.

  11. After your PPM Center system is in place, manage the translations for the custom configurations that you create for your organization. For instructions, see Managing Entity Translations and Using Translation Management Tools.