Migrating Entities

Entity migrators are Deployment Management object types. Each migrator is designed to migrate a specific kind of PPM entity and all of its dependent objects, except translations, from one PPM instance to another. See the Installation and Administration Guide for more information about migrating entities.

Note: The following scenarios assume that you have already translated your entities.

Existing translations of an entity (on the target instance) are deleted when that entity is migrated. If you are only migrating entities but want to preserve their translations on the target system, you must first export the translations on the target system before migrating your entities. If you are migrating both your entities and translations, always migrate your entities before importing translations on the target instance.

Migrating Translations Only

If you are only migrating translations, you must export your translations on the originating instance, copy them to the target instance, and import them on the target instance. Do the following:

  1. On the originating instance, go to the directory that contains the kExportAttributes.sh script:

    cd <PPM_Home>/bin

    where <PPM_Home> represents the path where your PPM instance is installed.

  2. You can export all entity translations or you can export each entity's translation, one at a time.

    Enter the following command to export all entities:

    sh ./kExportAttributes.sh -username <username> -password <password> -t

    Enter the following command to export a single entity:

    sh ./kExportAttributes.sh -username <username> -password <password> -entityId <entityID> -t

    By default, property files are generated for the entity and its children and zipped to the file <PPM_Home>/mlu/definitions/attributes_<lang>.zip where <lang> is the language code that specifies the definition language of the entity.

    You can specify the filename and its directory by including additional options. For more information about the options available with the translation export script, see Running Export Script.

  3. Copy the zipped property file(s) to the <PPM_Home>/mlu/translations/ directory on the target instance.

  4. On the target instance, go to the directory that contains the kImportAttributes.sh script:


    where <PPM_Home> represents the path where your PPM instance is installed.

  5. Enter the following command to generate the Translation Impact report to verify the translations:

    sh ./kImportAttributes.sh -username <username> -password <password> -mode test

    By default, all files in the directory <PPM_Home>/mlu/translations/ are used to generate the Translation Impact report. You can specify a filename and its directory to import by including additional options. For more information about the options available with the translation import script, see Running Import Script.

    After running the command, open the file <PPM_Home>/mlu/translations/TranslationImpactReport.html to view the Translation Impact report.

  6. Enter the following command to import the entities:

    sh ./kImportAttributes.sh -username <username> -password <password>

    By default, all files in the directory <PPM_Home>/mlu/translations/ are imported. You can specify a filename and its directory to import by including additional options. For more information about the options available with the translation import script, see Running Import Script.

Migrating Entities Only

If you are only migrating entities but are maintaining translations on the target instance, you must export your translations on the target instance, migrate your entities, and import your translations. Do the following on the target instance:

  1. Go to the directory that contains the kExportAttributes.sh script:


    where <PPM_Home> represents the path where your PPM instance is installed.

  2. Export your translations.

    sh ./kExportAttributes.sh -username <username> -password <password> -t

    By default, property files are generated for the entity and its children and zipped to the file <PPM_Home>/mlu/definitions/attributes_<lang>.zip where <lang> is the language code that specifies the definition language of the entity.

    You can specify the filename and its directory by including additional options. For more information about the options available with the translation export script, see Running Export Script.

  3. Migrate your entities to the target instance. See the Installation and Administration Guide for more information about migrating entities.

  4. Enter the following command to generate the Translation Impact report to verify the translations:

    sh ./kImportAttributes.sh -username <username> -password <password> -mode test

    By default, all files in the directory <PPM_Home>/mlu/translations/ are used to generate the Translation Impact report. You can specify a filename and its directory to import by including additional options. For more information about the options available with the translation import script, see Running Import Script.

    After running the command, open the file <PPM_Home>/mlu/translations/TranslationImpactReport.html to view the Translation Impact report.

  5. Enter the following command to import the entities:

    sh ./kImportAttributes.sh -username <username> -password <password>

    By default, all files in the directory <PPM_Home>/mlu/translations/ are imported. You can specify a filename and its directory to import by including additional options. For more information about the options available with the translation import script, see Running Export Script.

Migrating Entities and Their Translations

If you are migrating both entities and their translations, you must export your translations from the originating instance, copy the translations to the target instance, migrate your entities, and import your translations on the target instance. Do the following:

  1. On the originating instance, go to the directory that contains the kExportAttributes.sh script:


    where <PPM_Home> represents the path where your PPM instance is installed.

  2. On the originating instance, export your translations.

    sh ./kExportAttributes.sh -username <username> -password <password> -t

    By default, property files are generated for the entity and its children and zipped to the file <PPM_Home>/mlu/definitions/attributes_<lang>.zip where <lang> is the language code that specifies the definition language of the entity.

    You can specify the filename and its directory by including additional options. For more information about the options available with the translation export script, see Running Export Script.

  3. Copy the zipped property file(s) to the <PPM_Home>/mlu/translations/ directory on the target instance.

  4. Migrate your entities to the target instance. See the Installation and Administration Guide for more information about migrating entities.

  5. On the target instance, go to the directory that contains the kImportAttributes.sh script:


    where <PPM_Home> represents the path where your PPM instance is installed.

  6. On the target instance, enter the following command to generate the Translation Impact report to verify the translations:

    sh ./kImportAttributes.sh -username <username> -password <password> -mode test

    By default, all files in the directory <PPM_Home>/mlu/translations/ are used to generate the Translation Impact report. You can specify a filename and its directory to import by including additional options. For more information about the options available with the translation import script, see Running Import Script.

    After running the command, open the file <PPM_Home>/mlu/translations/TranslationImpactReport.html to view the Translation Impact report.

  7. On the target instance, enter the following command to import the entities:

    sh ./kImportAttributes.sh -username <username> -password <password>

    By default, all files in the directory <PPM_Home>/mlu/translations/ are imported. You can specify a filename and its directory to import by including additional options. For more information about the options available with the translation import script, see Running Import Script.