Table Component Grid View

PPM 9.63 and later releases implemented Grid View to table component. It enables you to filter, sort, group, and pivot the table component data.

Note: The Grid View of table component is read-only. If you want to edit an item, in the Seq column, click the link of the target item. You will be directed to View mode with the target item automatically selected. Click the Edit button to edit the item.

To enter Grid View mode:

  1. Prerequisite: Turn on the feature toggle Table Component Grid View in the Administration Console.

    For details, see Use feature toggles to turn on/off features.

  2. Click the Grid View button in the table component.


You can sort the data by clicking a column header:

  • If you click the column header once, the data is sorted by the column in the ascending order.
  • If you click the column header twice, the data is sorted by the column in the descending order.
  • If you click the column header for the third time, you cancel the sorting.

Group and filter

To group or filter data:

  1. Click Columns on the right of the table.
  2. In the Columns pane, do one of the following:

    • To filter, click the checkboxes of the values that meet your filter condition.
    • To group, drag the filed by which you want to group the data to the Row Groups field.


To do so:

  1. Click Columns on the right of the table.
  2. On top of the pane, click the check box of Pivot Mode to enter Pivot mode.
  3. In the pivot edit pane, do one of the followings according to your need:

    • To filter, click the check boxes of the values that meet your filter condition.
    • To group, drag the field by which you want to group the data to the Row Groups field.
    • To aggregate the values in a field, drag the field to the Values field.

See also: