Edit table component directly on request pages

You can edit the table component directly on request pages.


You can edit the table component directly on the following pages:

  • Create New Request page
  • Request Details page
  • Request look-ahead page

To edit the table component, click Edit in the table component.

Note: The Edit button is only available to users with edit access grant to requests or table component. For detailed information about access grants, see theSecurity Model Guide and Reference.

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Resize table columns

You can resize width of table columns in both View and Edit modes by dragging column borders in the table.

When you resize table column width, the table width is also resized automatically.

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Add or delete rows

After you click the Edit button, the Add Row button and Delete Rows button become visible.

  • To add rows:

    Click the Add Row button.

    The new row is added or inserted to the table immediately below the currently selected row, and the focus shifts to the newly added row with the new row being selected automatically.

  • To delete rows:

    1. Select the row to delete, or click additional rows while holding down Shift or Ctrl key to help select multiple continuous or non-continuous rows.

    2. Click Delete Rows, and then click OK in the confirmation dialog.

    3. Click Save Draft or Save on the page. This ensures that the data in the deleted rows are removed.

      Note: Save Draft button is available if you set the server configuration parameter ALLOW_SAVE_REQUEST_DRAFT to true.

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Copy and paste rows

You can copy or paste selected rows.

After clicking the Edit button in the table component to switch to Edit mode, the Copy and Paste buttons become visible.

Selecting a row in the table component enables the Copy button, then clicking the Copy button enables the Paste button.

Copying and pasting rows follows the following behaviors:

  • By clicking the Copy button, the rows of your current selection are remembered, including data in the cells and cell styles (such as editable, required, visible, CSS style, and default value as defined by UI rules). You can click the Paste button repeatedly to paste the selected rows with their data and cell styles to desired locations in the table component until you select another row or another set of rows to copy.

  • When a single row is selected, if you click Copy and Paste directly, the row is inserted immediately below the currently selected row. If you click Copy, then select a second row and click Paste, the row is inserted immediately below the second row you selected. In another word, you can select a single row and insert it below any row in the table.

  • When multiple rows are selected (you can click additional rows to select them while holding down Shift or Ctrl key to help select multiple rows), if you click Copy and Paste, the selected rows are always pasted continuously below the last row in the table component. If you click Copy, then select another row in the table component and click Paste, the previously selected multiple rows are pasted continuously, immediately below the row of your current selection.

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Move rows up or down

You can select a single row or multiple consecutive rows to move up or down in the table component.

  • The Move Up button and Move Down button become visible in the table component when you switch to Edit mode by clicking Edit.
  • To move up or move down a single row, select the desired row and click Move Up or Move Down.
  • To move up or move down multiple consecutive rows, click additional rows to select them while holding down the Shift key, and then click Move Up or Move Down.
  • After you have finished moving up or down rows, be sure to click Save Draft or Save to save the changes.

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In-line row edit

All validations supported by table component can be set to editable in PPM Workbench. For the list of supported validations, see Supported Validations.

For validations that are set to editable in PPM Workbench, relevant table cells in the table component are editable and you can edit them directly.

When you click a row in the table component, it becomes highlighted and editable. You can navigate the cells in an editable row by pressing the Tab key.

After you have finished editing cells and rows in the table component, click Save Draft or Save on the page to save the changes.

If any required fields (marked with a red star) are left empty, clicking Save Draft or Save prompts a warning, reminding you to provide values for required fields before you can save the table component successfully, and the first required and focusable field is focused.

If you leave the current page without saving the modified table component, a warning message pops up asking for confirmation.

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Import table component from Excel

If you want to edit multiple cells in the table component, you can edit them in Microsoft Excel and then import the table component from Excel.

To do so:

  1. Prerequisite: The Enable Import from Excel check box for the table component is checked in PPM Workbench. See Configure table component.

  2. Click Edit in the table component to enter Edit mode.

    The Export to Excel button and Import from Excel button become available.

  3. Click the Export to Excel button to export the table component to the Excel file.
  4. In the downloaded file, make the desired changes.

    You can also add or delete lines in the downloaded file.

    • If the table component has the multi-select auto-complete-list field component type, when exported to Excel, this field is displayed as a drop-down-list field (that is because Excel does not support multi-select in drop-down-list). If this field has more than one value, you need to enter all the values (separated by semicolons) and ignore any Excel warnings about incorrect content.
    • When exporting the table component to Excel, for the drop-down list to work properly in the exported Excel, the total length of all the labels in the list (plus one character per value) cannot exceed 255 characters.
  5. Go back to the table component, click Import from Excel and select the target Excel file. The table component is updated with the data in the Excel file.

    • When you import table component from Excel, any rules defined for the table component are ignored.
    • If the table component has the Radio buttons field component type, when imported from Excel, the values displayed in these fields are updated from "Y/N" to "Yes/No".

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