Lock forecast and actual costs of past months

PPM by default allows editing forecast and actual costs of the past months anytime. If your organization does not allow editing costs of the past months, for example, for the purpose of financial auditing, you can lock costs of the past months to prevent them from changing.

This feature is applicable to the new UI of the Edit Costs page only. You cannot lock costs of the past months when the old UI is in use.

This section provides details on locking costs of the past months.

What happens to locked costs

Be aware of the following before you consider locking costs of the past months.

  • Locked costs (forecast, actual, or both) are restricted from manual editing or modifying by web services. Only the users who have the permission can edit locked costs of the past months.

    Caution: Background services can still edit the costs of the past months even when they are locked.

  • Cost lines of the locked costs cannot be deleted.
  • When copying costs from the previous year, forecast costs of the past months are not overridden.

    When copying costs from another request, forecast costs of the past months in the request are not copied.

  • Users cannot add costs for the past months.
  • In the quarterly view of financial summaries, if at least one month is locked in a quarter, the whole quarter becomes non-editable. The same is true for the yearly view.

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How to lock forecast and actual costs of past months

The lock should be enabled first in the system level and then in the entity level. The following table lists the action items.

Action items Description
Enable the lock in the system level

Action item owner: PPM administrator

How to:

  1. Turn on the feature Use New UI When Editing Costs and Benefits.
  2. Turn on the feature Lock Forecast and Actual Costs of Past Months.

For details, see Use feature toggles to turn on/off features.

Set the default starting day per month after which the lock becomes effective

Action item owner: PPM administrator

How to: Configure the parameter DEFAULT_FA_CLOSING_DAY. For details, see Server parameters.

Enable the lock in the entity level and to specify what to lock

Action item owner: Managers of lifecycle entities and programs

Prerequisite: The lock is enabled in the system level.

How to:

Configure the Lock forecast and actual costs of the past months options. For details, see Configure financial summary settings.

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Who can edit locked forecast and actual costs

When costs of the past months are locked, in case necessary adjustment to costs is required, you can allow some individual users or groups of users to edit the locked costs. In addition to the permission to edit costs, these users or groups should be given the extra permission: Edit Locked Forecast and Actual Costs in Certain Financial Summaries or Edit Locked Forecast and Actual Costs in All Financial Summaries.

Edit Locked Forecast and Actual Costs in Certain Financial Summaries

Given the users can edit forecast or actual costs of certain financial summaries, this access grant allow them to edit locked forecast or actual costs in these financial summaries.

  • If users can only edit forecast costs in certain financial summaries, with the edit locked costs access right, they can only edit locked forecast costs in these financial summaries.
  • If users can only edit actual costs in certain financial summaries, with the edit locked costs access right, they can only edit locked actual costs in these financial summaries.

This access grant also requires the users have the Edit Costs right in the Configure Access page of the target financial summaries.

Edit Locked Forecast and Actual Costs in All Financial Summaries

Given the users can edit forecast or actual costs of all financial summaries, this access grant allow them to edit locked forecast or actual costs in all financial summaries.

  • If users can only edit forecast costs in all financial summaries, with the edit locked costs access right, they can only edit locked forecast costs in all financial summaries.
  • If users can only edit actual costs in all financial summaries, with the edit locked costs access right, they can only edit locked actual costs in all financial summaries.

For details, see Access Grants for Financial Summaries and Financial Data Tables and Configure Access for Financial Summary.

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