Configure portfolio Backlog tab

You can change the name of the Backlog tab, decide which entities can be directly created within a portfolio, which columns are available for selection in the Backlog tab, and how the tab is displayed when opened for the first time.

Change tab name

You can change the display name of the Backlog tab to fit your business needs.

In the Change Tab Name field, type your desired name for the tab. Portfolios created with this portfolio type will display the new name on the tab.

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Set entity type in backlog

Set which types of entities can be directly created within a portfolio.

  1. In the Set Entity Type and Columns section, click .

    The Set Entity Type and Columns page opens.

  2. In the Set Entity Type in Backlog section, click the Add button.

  3. From the drop-down list, select the types of entities that can be created directly within a portfolio.

    Only entities of the portfolio types and proposal types can be created within a portfolio.

  4. Click OK.

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Set columns for portfolio's proposals/projects/assets

In the portfolio Backlog tab, there are already some out-of-box columns that portfolio managers can choose to show or hide. In addition to these columns, you can configure which PFM request fields portfolio managers can display as columns in portfolio Backlog tab.

  1. In the Set Entity Type and Columns section, click .

    The Set Entity Type and Columns page opens.

  2. In the Set Columns in Portfolio's Proposals/Projects/Assets section, click the Add button.

  3. From the drop-down list, select the columns users can choose to display for proposals/projects/assets in a portfolio backlog.

    For details about which fields can be selected, see Configuring Columns for Portfolio's Proposals/Projects/Assets and Scenario Comparisons.

  4. Click OK.

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Set backlog default layout

Set the default layout of the Backlog tab.

Option Description
Allow portfolio manager to override the following settings

If turned on, portfolio managers can set the backlog default layout in for their portfolio. Otherwise, portfolios will use the default layout inherited from the portfolio type.

Set Portfolio Backlog Default Layout

Set the default layout of the portfolio Backlog tab. The settings include the following:

  • Which view is used
  • Which columns are displayed
  • Column width
  • Column sequence
  • Group-by fields
  • Filters
  • Sorting

For details of how to set them, see Plain List View.

Supported views: Plain List, Hierarchy, Board, and Roadmap.

Supported group-by fields: same as what is listed in Group backlog items.

Supported filters:

Select Aggregable Fields

Click Add to select the fields whose values will be aggregated and displayed in the group-by line after portfolio backlogs are grouped.

The aggregable fields are sorted in the same order as they are in the field list.

Default aggregable fields:

  • Approved Budget
  • Forecast Cost
  • Actual Cost
  • Forecast Benefit
  • Actual Benefit

Supported aggregable fields:

  • OOTB cost fields: Approved Budget, Forecast Cost, Actual Cost, Forecast Benefit, Actual Benefit, Approved Capital Budget, Approved Operating Budget, Forecast Capital Cost, Forecast Operating Cost, Actual Capital Cost, and Actual Operating Cost
  • Custom numeric and currency fields that are selected to display for proposals/projects/assets in a portfolio. See Set columns for portfolio's proposals/projects/assets.
Set Backlog Board View Default Layout

Set how the portfolio backlog Board view is displayed when a user opens the view for the first time.

  • Set the board's column and swim lane:

    Use the drop-down list to select the board's column and swim lane.

    Fields that can be used as Column and Swim Lane: see Which fields can be used as Column and Swim Lane?.

  • Set how the card is displayed:

    • Click Add to select the information to be displayed on the card.

      All of the portfolio backlog information can be selected.

      Default information displayed on the card: Name, Type, Status, Strategic Theme, Cost Health, Schedule Health, Issue Health, and Project Manager (if it is selected in the Set columns for portfolio's proposals/projects/assets section)

    • Drag and drop the item on card to adjust the order.

    You can preview how the card looks like from the left.

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