Managing Work Items in a Time Sheet

Work items are what you have been working. This section details on how to add, delete, and group work items in your time sheet.

Adding Work Items to a Time Sheet

Add what you have been working on into your time sheet.

  1. Open your time sheet.
  2. Click Add Items.

    Option Description
    Add from My Items/Suggested Items

    Add work items from the My Items list or the Suggested Items list.

    The Suggested Items list is automatically generated by Time Management for your convenience. The My Items list is a personal list of items you build and maintain, and its items are retained until you delete them.

    For details, see Using the My Items List and Using the Suggested Items List.

    Add Programs

    Available only when the time sheet policy allows logging time against programs.

    This option allows you to add programs that:

    • Track time at the program level, and

    • Allow you to log time against them.

    See Adding Programs Directly to a Time Sheet.

    Add Project

    Available only when the time sheet policy allows logging time against projects.

    This option allows you to add projects that:

    • Track time at the project level, and

    • Allow you to log time against them

    See Adding Projects Directly to a Time Sheet.

    Add Task

    Available only when the time sheet policy allows logging time against tasks.

    This option allows you to add tasks that:

    • Track time at the task (or a specific summary task) level, and

    • Allow you to log time against them.

    Since PPM 9.53, to use PPM to log your effort on agile work, you can add external tasks that are tracked in agile systems to your time sheets.

    See Adding Tasks Directly to a Time Sheet

    Add Request

    Available only when the time sheet policy allows logging time against requests.

    This option allows you to add the requests for which you are allowed to log time.

    See Adding Requests Directly to a Time Sheet.

    Add Package

    Available only when the time sheet policy allows logging time against packages.

    See Adding Packages Directly to a Time Sheet.

    Add Miscellaneous

    Available only when the time sheet policy allows logging time against miscellaneous items.

    See Adding Miscellaneous Items Directly to a Time Sheet.

    Add External Data

    Available only when the time sheet policy allows logging time against external data.

    External data is the effort you logged in the agile projects that are managed in agile systems. To add external data is to import such effort from the agile systems to the PPM time sheets.

    For details, see:

  3. Click Save to save the time sheet.

Note: If you add a large number of work items, you can use the icon to decide the vertical size of the time sheet table.

This icon is only available when your administrator has set the TM_ENABLE_GRID_SIZE_CONTROL server.conf parameter to true.

Selecting the Medium or Large option of this icon allows you to see more time sheet lines on your screen without scrolling the table, as well as less white space below the table.

Deleting Work Items

  1. Select the work items you want to delete.
  2. Click Remove.
  3. Click Save.

Grouping or Ungrouping Work Items

The Group | Ungroup Items option in the time sheet allows you to show work items with or without headings (in bold) that represent logical groupings.

When items are grouped

The time sheet adds rows for headings (in bold) that group similar work items. No data can be entered in these heading rows, but each heading has a check box, and selecting it selects all of the subordinate work items.

The headings appear in the following order, with subordinate work items, as follows:

  • Specific program names appear as headings for programs that track time at the program level. This set of headings is sorted alphabetically.
  • Next, specific project names appear as headings for projects that track time at the project level. This set of headings is sorted alphabetically.

    Under each project name heading, only one work item with one line of text appears. The information displayed is Prj: followed by the project name (presented as a summary task if you click it).

  • Next, specific project names appear as headings for projects that track time at the summary task or task level. This set of headings is sorted alphabetically.

    Under each project name heading, tasks for that project are listed, alphabetically by task name. The information displayed for each task is Task: followed by the task name, and below that, the project path in parentheses.

  • Next, specific request types appear as headings for associated requests. This set of headings is sorted alphabetically.

    Under each request type heading, requests of that type are listed, sorted by request number. The information displayed for each request is Req: followed by the request number, and below that, the request description in parentheses.

  • Next, specific workflows appear as headings for packages that use them. This set of headings is sorted alphabetically.

    Under each workflow heading, packages that use that workflow are listed, sorted by package number. The information displayed for each package is Pkg: followed by the package number, and below that, the associated workflow in parentheses.

  • Next, Misc - appears as the heading for all miscellaneous items, such as meetings and vacation.

    Under the Misc - heading, miscellaneous items are sorted alphabetically. The information displayed for each miscellaneous item is Misc: followed by the item name.

  • Finally, External Data appears as the heading for all imported agile items.
When items are ungrouped

The items are listed in the following order, without heading lines such as project names and request types:

  • All programs that track time at the program level, alphabetized by program name.

  • All projects that track time at the project level, alphabetized by project name.
  • All tasks in projects that track time at the summary task or task level, listed alphabetically by task name. The information displayed for each task is Task: followed by the task name, and below that, the project path in parentheses.

  • All requests, sorted by request number. The information displayed for each request is Req: followed by the request number, and below that, the request type in parentheses and the request description.

  • All packages, sorted by package number. The information displayed for each package is Pkg: followed by the package number, and below that, the associated workflow in parentheses and the package description.

  • All miscellaneous items, such as meetings and vacation, sorted alphabetically by item name. The information displayed for each miscellaneous item is Misc: followed by the item name.