Searching Time Sheets

When you search time sheets, in addition to applying any filter criteria you specify in the following procedure, Time Management shows you only the time sheets that meet at least one of the following conditions:

  • You created the time sheet (or someone created it for you).

  • You are the manager of the resource for the time sheet.

  • You are the delegate of the resource for the time sheet.

  • You are an approver of at least one line of the time sheet.

  • You are the billing approver for the time sheet.

To search for particular time sheets:

  1. Log on to PPM.

  2. From the menu bar, select Search > Time Sheets. The Search Time Sheets page appears.

  3. On the Search Time Sheets page, enter search and sort criteria.

    Field Name (*Required)


    Search criteria

    Period Type

    (option includes a drop-down list)

    When selected, limits the search to time sheets having the period type selected from the drop-down list. Depending on your system configuration, the list can include the following:

    • Weekly (every week, starting by default on a Monday)

    • Bi-Weekly (every two weeks, starting by default on a Monday; for example,         8/29/10 - 9/11/10 is a biweekly time period in August and September 2010)

    • Semi-Monthly (twice a month, where the first time period always ends on the 15th of the month; for example, the two semimonthly time periods of September 2010 are 9/1/10 - 9/15/10 and                9/16/10 - 9/30/10)

    • Monthly (every full calendar month)

    Time Period

    Enabled when Period Type is selected and a value is chosen for it. Limits the search to a particular time period you select from the drop-down list.

    Previous Time Periods to Show

    (option includes a numeric field)

    When selected and specified, applies your search criteria to include time sheets for the number of previous time periods you specify (as well as for current and future time periods).


    Limits the search to time sheets for the resource you specify.

    Org Unit

    Limits the search to time sheets for the Org Units you specify.

    Time Sheet Status

    Limits the search to time sheets having the statuses you specify. The possible time sheet statuses are as follows:

    • Unsubmitted

    • Pending Approval

    • In Rework

    • Approved

    • Cancelled

    • Frozen

    • Closed

    For more information, see Summary of time sheet line statuses and time sheet statuses.

    Include Frozen and Closed Time Sheets

    Option to include frozen and closed time sheets in the search.

    Description Includes

    Limits the search to time sheets having the text you specify in their Descriptions.

    Sort criteria

    Sort By

    Parameter (column in the search results) to use to sort the search results. The options are as follows:

    • Resource. The resource the time sheet is for.

    • Time Period - Time Sheet #. The time period of the time sheet followed by its number.

    • Manager. The manager of the Resource.

    • Status. The time sheet status.

    • Description. The time sheet description. By default, this is the Resource, followed by a hyphen (-), followed by the Time Period.

    Ascending or Descending

    Displays the results in ascending or descending order.

    *Results Displayed Per Page

    Maximum number of results to be displayed per page.

    *Max Rows

    Maximum number of rows to display for all pages.

  4. Click Search.

    The Search Time Sheets page is refreshed, with the search results shown in the Select a Time Sheet to View section added at the top of the page. Clicking Modify Search button in the upper tight corner, you go back to the Search Time Sheets page, where you can modify your search criteria.

  5. To open a particular time sheet, click its link in the Time Period - Time Sheet # column in the Select a Time Sheet to View section.