Overview of Configuring Environments

Environments are configured in the Environments window. Some of the information provided on the Environments window can be gathered from the applicable worksheet in Worksheets.

The following lists the sections found in the Environments window:

  • General information: Includes basic information concerning the environment, such as the environment name and description. See Configuring General Information for Environments .

  • Host: Defines basic information about the client, server, and database for the environment. The fields for the client and server sections are identical. See Creating Environments .

  • Applications: Every Deployment Management environment can contain its own set of applications. See Using Application Code Environments .

  • Extension Data: Deployment Management Extensions require specially-configured environments. If Deployment Management Extension products are not installed, the Extension Data tab is disabled.

  • Ownership: Configure who can edit the environment. See Setting Ownership and Participants for Environments .

  • User Access: Configures participants of the environment. Participants can then be given specific access rights to the environment. See Adding Participants to Environments.

  • User Data: Product entities, such as packages, workflows, requests, and projects, include a set of standard fields that provide information about those entities. While these fields are normally sufficient for day-to-day processing, user data fields provide the ability to capture additional information specific to each organization. User data is defined under the User Data tab. If there are no user data fields, the User Data tab is disabled.