What's New in PPM 9.54

This section provides an overview of the features that were introduced or enhanced in PPM 9.54.

Team Management updates

Team Management provides better visualizations for monitoring teams.

Team capacity and cost charts

We added the Team Overview tab. It provides bar charts to show the team capacity (the number of resources), team running cost, team billable cost, and running cost vs. billable cost during a specified period.

For details, see Team Overview Charts.

Team Heatmap

We add the Team Heatmap tab. It gives insight into where the gaps are in your team/resource planning.

  • It provides comprehensive views to look at capacity, demand, allocation, and data derived from them (such as utilization and % fulfillment) from the perspectives of team/resource, project, and role.
  • It visualizes utilization and % fulfillment in defined colors.
  • It gives team managers flexibility to show or hide data by a simple click.

For details, see Team Heatmap.

Creating a resource pool automatically creates a team

When you create a new resource pool, a team with the same name can be automatically created.

For details, see Creating a Resource Pool.

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PPM Mobile New UI

The PPM mobile web client has a new UI. It provides an app-like look and feel, offers a configurable mobile landing page, and ergonomically improves user experience.

For details, see Overview.

Platform enhancements

The following enhancements were added to the Platform module.

New way to customize PPM menu

PPM introduces a new way to customize the PPM menu. It makes sure end users do not miss new features when they are introduced in the PPM menu, and makes it explicit what changes are done to the PPM menu.

For details, see Customizing Menu Items (Recommended).

Shutdown/restart PPM Server from Administration Console

PPM Administrators can shutdown or restart PPM nodes or a whole PPM cluster from the Administration Console > System Health > Nodes page.

For details, see Shut down or restart PPM from Administration Console.

Add new REST APIs

PPM introduces REST APIs for the following actions:

  • flush PPM caches
  • shutdown and restart PPM Server

For details, see Interactive REST API Help.

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Enterprise Agile updates

JIRA-PPM request integration supports more field type mappings

The JIRA-PPM request integration now supports data sync of more types of fields between two sides.

For details, see Supported PPM-JIRA field type mappings.

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Feature Toggles enhancements

PPM labels features in Administration Console > Feature Toggles by statuses to indicate the level of maturity of a feature.

For details, see Use feature toggles to turn on/off features.

Portfolio Management enhancements

The following enhancement was added in the Portfolio Management module.

Show business goals details in the Chart view

In the portfolio Strategy tab > Business Goals section, if you display the business goals in the Chart view when you click the title of a business goal, the business goal details are displayed in the right pane of the page.

For details, see Track business goal performance.

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What-if Analysis enhancements

The following enhancements are added to What-if Analysis.

Discard all unsaved changes in what-if scenario page Click the Discard Changes button in the what-if scenario page to cancel all the changes you have made but not saved.
Show KPI type in KPIs Forecasting

KPIs Forecasting chart shows KPI type in the Y axis to provide the context for KPI values.

For details, see KPIs forecasting.

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Dashboard enhancements

The following enhancements are added in the Dashboard module.

Support multi-column sorting for the Builder List portlets

We support multi-column sorting for the Project List portlet, Request List portlet, and Resource Pools List portlet in 9.53.

In 9.54, the support is extended to the Builder List portlets.

Run portlet data source query against reporting database

When creating or updating a portlet data source, you can decide whether or not the portlet data source query is run against the reporting database.

Demand Management enhancements

The following enhancements are added to the Demand Management module.

Configure auto-focus on the first editable field in request details

To facilitate editing a request, PPM automatically focuses the cursor on the first editable field in the request details page.

PPM Administrator can disable the auto-focus by using the parameter FOCUS_ON_FIRST_EDITABLE_FIELD_IN_REQUEST_DETAILS.

For details, see Server parameters.

Present staffing profile and financial summary as links in the request search result page If you choose to show Staffing Profile and Financial Summary columns in the advanced search for proposal, project, and asset requests, both columns are presented as links instead of plain texts.

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Program Management enhancements

The following enhancement is added in the Program Management module.

Search programs by "Program Name contains"

In the search programs page, the "Program Name starts with" filter was replaced with the "Program Name contains" filter.

As a result, to search for a program, you can also type "@" followed by a keyword the program name contains, instead of a keyword the program name starts with.

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Resource Management enhancements

The following enhancements are added to the Resource Management module.

Search resources created or updated within a certain period In the Search Resources page, use the Creation Date Within and Last Update Date Within filters to search resources that are created or updated within a specified period.
Hide past not-fulfilled resource requests in resource pool page

Click the Hide past not-fulfilled resource requests option in the resource pool page to hide the resource requests from the positions whose demand finish dates are earlier than the current date.

For details, see Collect resource requests.

Auto-fill the position and role columns in staffing profile

When you fill the Specific Resource Requested column in a position, the Position and Role columns are automatically filled with the resource's role.

For details, see Specific Resources Requested.

Show only enabled resource pools in Resource Pool List portlet Select the Enabled Resource Pools Only filter in the portlet reference to show only enabled resource pools in the Resource Pool List portlet.

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Time Management enhancements

The following enhancements are added to the Time Management module.

Prevent entering time for dates earlier than resource start date

If the PPM administrator sets the parameter DISABLE_DATES_BEFORE_RESOURCE_START_DATE_IN_TS to true, time submitters cannot log time on dates earlier than their start dates.

For details, see Enter time for a work item

Add request IDs for projects and programs in My Items and Suggested Items In every occurrence of projects and programs in My Items and Suggested Items of time sheets, request IDs are followed by project and program names.
Set your own delegate

If the PPM administrator sets the parameter ENABLE_ADD_DELEGATE_FOR_ONESELF to true, you can set delegate for yourself regardless of whether you have the Edit All Resources access grant.

For details, see Configuring a resource's delegates.

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Financial Management enhancements

The following enhancement is added to the Financial Management module.

Add parent entity information in the page title of financial data table

Financial data tables for proposals and projects now include the name of their parent entity at the top of the page.

Help Center improvement

PPM Help Center added a new topic "What's Changed" under the Get Started menu. It highlights the areas that have different behaviors since the previous version. These areas should draw your attention before the upgrade.

For details, see What's Changed in PPM 9.54.

Initiate chats with project participants

User fields, such as Project Manager and Created By, can have an instant message icon added next to the user specified in the field. You can click the icon to initiate a conversation with the user in a chat window.

The instant message icon is displayed only when your PPM administrator turns on the feature "Show instant message icon for user fields". The icon is available for read-only and single-value user fields in the request details page, the Project Overview page, and Dashboard.

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See also: